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NGC Objects


The location of the NGC 6720, the Ring Nebula
The stars of NGC 6193
The Heart of M23
The Milky Way Galaxy from M31
Location of NGC 3532
Location of NGC 6633
The location of NGC 2281
NGC 6539 in Serpens Cauda
NGC 1 spiral galaxyNGC 224 Andromeda GalaxyNGC 598 Triangulum Galaxy
NGC 2 spiral galaxyNGC 246 Skull NebulaNGC 628 Phantom Galaxy
NGC 3 lenticular galaxyNGC 247 intermediate spiral galaxyNGC 650 Little Dumbbell Nebula
NGC 4 spiral galaxyNGC 253 Sculptor GalaxyNGC 651 Little Dumbbell Nebula
NGC 40 Bow-Tie NebulaNGC 276 barred spiral galaxyNGC 663 open cluster
NGC 55 Whale Galaxy in SculptorNGC 281 Pacman NebulaNGC 752 open cluster
NGC 104 47 TucanaeNGC 292 Small Magellanic CloudNGC 772 spiral galaxy
NGC 147 dwarf spheroidal galaxyNGC 300 spiral galaxyNGC 869 h Persei
NGC 185 dwarf spheroidal galaxyNGC 362 globular clusterNGC 884 Chi Persei
NGC 188 open clusterNGC 457 Owl ClusterNGC 891 Silver Sliver Galaxy
NGC 205 elliptical galaxyNGC 559 open clusterNGC 896 Fish Head Nebula
NGC 221 Le GentilNGC 581 open cluster
NGC 1039 open clusterNGC 1634 elliptical galaxyNGC 1931 Fly Nebula
NGC 1045 lenticular galaxyNGC 1649 open clusterNGC 1952 Crab Nebula
NGC 1068 Cetus ANGC 1705 lenticular galaxyNGC 1960 open cluster
NGC 1097 barred spiral galaxyNGC 1746 asterismNGC 1973 Running Man Nebula
NGC 1261 globular clusterNGC 1850 open clusterNGC 1975 Running Man Nebula
NGC 1275 Perseus ANGC 1851 globular clusterNGC 1976 Orion Nebula
NGC 1415 lenticular galaxyNGC 1873 open clusterNGC 1977 Running Man Nebula
NGC 1465 spiral galaxyNGC 1901 open clusterNGC 1980 Lost Jewel of Orion
NGC 1491 emission nebulaNGC 1904 globular clusterNGC 1981 open cluster
NGC 1499 California NebulaNGC 1907 open clusterNGC 1982 De Mairan's Nebula
NGC 1502 open clusterNGC 1912 Starfish ClusterNGC 1990 Epsilon Orionis Nebula
NGC 1548 open cluster
NGC 2000 open clusterNGC 2239 Rosette NebulaNGC 2419 Intergalactic Wanderer
NGC 2022 planetary nebulaNGC 2244 Rosette ClusterNGC 2421 open cluster
NGC 2023 Lump StarNGC 2246 Rosette NebulaNGC 2422 open cluster
NGC 2024 Flaming Tree NebulaNGC 2258 lenticular galaxyNGC 2423 open cluster
NGC 2029 Dragon's Head NebulaNGC 2260 open clusterNGC 2437 open cluster
NGC 2032 Dragon's Head NebulaNGC 2261 Hubble's Variable NebulaNGC 2439 open cluster
NGC 2032 Seagull NebulaNGC 2264 Cone NebulaNGC 2447 open cluster
NGC 2035 Dragon's Head NebulaNGC 2281 open clusterNGC 2451 composite open cluster
NGC 2040 open clusterNGC 2287 open clusterNGC 2451A open cluster
NGC 2068 emission nebulaNGC 2296 emission nebulaNGC 2451B open cluster
NGC 2070 Tarantula NebulaNGC 2323 open clusterNGC 2467 Skull and Crossbones Nebula
NGC 2099 open clusterNGC 2335 open clusterNGC 2477 open cluster
NGC 2126 open clusterNGC 2354 open clusterNGC 2506 open cluster
NGC 2168 open clusterNGC 2358 open clusterNGC 2516 Southern Beehive Cluster
NGC 2174 Monkey Head NebulaNGC 2360 Caroline's ClusterNGC 2548 open cluster
NGC 2175 Monkey Head NebulaNGC 2362 Tau Canis Majoris ClusterNGC 2632 Praesepe
NGC 2175 open clusterNGC 2392 Eskimo NebulaNGC 2646 spiral galaxy
NGC 2237 Rosette NebulaNGC 2403 intermediate spiral galaxyNGC 2682 open cluster
NGC 2238 Rosette NebulaNGC 2404 star-forming regionNGC 2775 spiral galaxy
NGC 3031 Bode's GalaxyNGC 3324 open clusterNGC 3532 Wishing Well Cluster
NGC 3034 irregular galaxyNGC 3351 barred spiral galaxyNGC 3556 spiral galaxy
NGC 3115 Spindle Galaxy in SextansNGC 3368 barred spiral galaxyNGC 3587 Owl Nebula
NGC 3132 Eight-Burst NebulaNGC 3371 elliptical galaxyNGC 3623 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 3195 planetary nebulaNGC 3372 Eta Carinae NebulaNGC 3627 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 3201 globular clusterNGC 3379 elliptical galaxyNGC 3766 Pearl Cluster
NGC 3242 Ghost of JupiterNGC 3384 elliptical galaxyNGC 3953 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 3293 Gem ClusterNGC 3481 spiral galaxyNGC 3992 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 4006 elliptical galaxyNGC 4406 elliptical galaxyNGC 4590 globular cluster
NGC 4147 globular clusterNGC 4449 irregular galaxyNGC 4594 Sombrero Galaxy
NGC 4192 barred spiral galaxyNGC 4453 spiral galaxyNGC 4605 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 4236 barred spiral galaxyNGC 4472 elliptical galaxyNGC 4621 elliptical galaxy
NGC 4241 spiral galaxyNGC 4486 Virgo ANGC 4631 Whale Galaxy in Canes Venatici
NGC 4244 Silver Needle GalaxyNGC 4490 Cocoon GalaxyNGC 4649 elliptical galaxy
NGC 4254 Coma Pinwheel GalaxyNGC 4501 spiral galaxyNGC 4697 elliptical galaxy
NGC 4258 spiral galaxyNGC 4530 CharaNGC 4736 spiral galaxy
NGC 4261 elliptical galaxyNGC 4544 barred spiral galaxyNGC 4755 Jewel Box
NGC 4303 barred spiral galaxyNGC 4548 barred spiral galaxyNGC 4826 Black Eye Galaxy
NGC 4321 spiral galaxyNGC 4552 elliptical galaxyNGC 4833 globular cluster
NGC 4365 elliptical galaxyNGC 4559 spiral galaxyNGC 4866 lenticular galaxy
NGC 4372 globular clusterNGC 4565 Needle GalaxyNGC 4884 Coma B
NGC 4374 elliptical galaxyNGC 4569 spiral galaxyNGC 4889 Coma B
NGC 4382 elliptical galaxyNGC 4579 barred spiral galaxyNGC 4945 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 5005 intermediate spiral galaxyNGC 5194 Whirlpool GalaxyNGC 5460 open cluster
NGC 5024 globular clusterNGC 5236 Southern Pinwheel GalaxyNGC 5694 globular cluster
NGC 5043 open clusterNGC 5248 intermediate spiral galaxyNGC 5715 open cluster
NGC 5055 Sunflower GalaxyNGC 5272 globular clusterNGC 5815 spiral galaxy
NGC 5128 Centaurus ANGC 5286 globular clusterNGC 5823 open cluster
NGC 5139 Omega CentauriNGC 5291 Seashell GalaxyNGC 5866 Spindle Galaxy in Draco
NGC 5146 elliptical galaxyNGC 5333 lenticular galaxyNGC 5904 globular cluster
NGC 5170 spiral galaxyNGC 5457 Pinwheel Galaxy
NGC 6025 open clusterNGC 6405 Butterfly ClusterNGC 6741 Phantom Streak Nebula
NGC 6067 open clusterNGC 6475 Ptolemy's ClusterNGC 6744 spiral galaxy
NGC 6087 S Normae ClusterNGC 6494 open clusterNGC 6752 Great Peacock Globular
NGC 6093 globular clusterNGC 6514 Trifid NebulaNGC 6765 planetary nebula
NGC 6101 globular clusterNGC 6523 Lagoon NebulaNGC 6779 globular cluster
NGC 6121 globular clusterNGC 6531 open clusterNGC 6809 Summer Rose Star
NGC 6124 open clusterNGC 6535 globular clusterNGC 6820 emission nebula
NGC 6152 open clusterNGC 6539 globular clusterNGC 6820 reflection nebula
NGC 6167 open clusterNGC 6501 lenticular galaxyNGC 6822 Barnard's Galaxy
NGC 6171 globular clusterNGC 6541 globular clusterNGC 6823 open cluster
NGC 6193 open clusterNGC 6543 Cat's Eye NebulaNGC 6826 Blinking Planetary Nebula
NGC 6205 Hercules ClusterNGC 6549 spiral galaxyNGC 6830 open cluster
NGC 6218 globular clusterNGC 6572 planetary nebulaNGC 6838 globular cluster
NGC 6231 open clusterNGC 6587 lenticular galaxyNGC 6853 Dumbbell Nebula
NGC 6234 elliptical galaxyNGC 6611 Eagle NebulaNGC 6864 globular cluster
NGC 6242 open clusterNGC 6618 Omega NebulaNGC 6885 open cluster
NGC 6250 open clusterNGC 6626 globular clusterNGC 6888 Crescent Nebula
NGC 6254 globular clusterNGC 6631 open clusterNGC 6913 open cluster
NGC 6266 globular clusterNGC 6633 Tweedledum ClusterNGC 6930 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 6273 globular clusterNGC 6637 globular clusterNGC 6934 globular cluster
NGC 6302 Bug NebulaNGC 6656 globular clusterNGC 6946 Fireworks Galaxy
NGC 6333 globular clusterNGC 6681 globular clusterNGC 6960 Western Veil Nebula
NGC 6341 globular clusterNGC 6694 open clusterNGC 6974 Supernova Remnant
NGC 6352 globular clusterNGC 6705 Wild Duck ClusterNGC 6981 globular cluster
NGC 6357 Lobster NebulaNGC 6715 globular clusterNGC 6992 Network Nebula
NGC 6397 globular clusterNGC 6720 Ring NebulaNGC 6994 asterism
NGC 6402 globular clusterNGC 6729 R Coronae Australis NebulaNGC 6995 Eastern Veil Nebula
NGC 7000 North America NebulaNGC 7099 globular clusterNGC 7563 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 7006 globular clusterNGC 7209 open clusterNGC 7596 lenticular galaxy
NGC 7009 Saturn NebulaNGC 7243 open clusterNGC 7635 Bubble Nebula
NGC 7023 Iris NebulaNGC 7293 Helix NebulaNGC 7654 Scorpion Cluster
NGC 7066 spiral galaxyNGC 7331 spiral galaxyNGC 7662 Blue Snowball Nebula
NGC 7078 Great Pegasus ClusterNGC 7437 spiral galaxyNGC 7722 spiral galaxy
NGC 7089 open clusterNGC 7479 barred spiral galaxyNGC 7814 Little Sombrero Galaxy
NGC 7092 open clusterNGC 7538 Northern Lagoon Nebula
NGC 1 spiral galaxy
NGC 2 spiral galaxy
NGC 3 lenticular galaxy
NGC 4 spiral galaxy
NGC 40 Bow-Tie Nebula
NGC 55 Whale Galaxy in Sculptor
NGC 104 47 Tucanae
NGC 147 dwarf spheroidal galaxy
NGC 185 dwarf spheroidal galaxy
NGC 188 open cluster
NGC 205 elliptical galaxy
NGC 221 Le Gentil
NGC 224 Andromeda Galaxy
NGC 246 Skull Nebula
NGC 247 intermediate spiral galaxy
NGC 253 Sculptor Galaxy
NGC 276 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 281 Pacman Nebula
NGC 292 Small Magellanic Cloud
NGC 300 spiral galaxy
NGC 362 globular cluster
NGC 457 Owl Cluster
NGC 559 open cluster
NGC 581 open cluster
NGC 598 Triangulum Galaxy
NGC 628 Phantom Galaxy
NGC 650 Little Dumbbell Nebula
NGC 651 Little Dumbbell Nebula
NGC 663 open cluster
NGC 752 open cluster
NGC 772 spiral galaxy
NGC 869 h Persei
NGC 884 Chi Persei
NGC 891 Silver Sliver Galaxy
NGC 896 Fish Head Nebula
NGC 1039 open cluster
NGC 1045 lenticular galaxy
NGC 1068 Cetus A
NGC 1097 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 1261 globular cluster
NGC 1275 Perseus A
NGC 1415 lenticular galaxy
NGC 1465 spiral galaxy
NGC 1491 emission nebula
NGC 1499 California Nebula
NGC 1502 open cluster
NGC 1548 open cluster
NGC 1634 elliptical galaxy
NGC 1649 open cluster
NGC 1705 lenticular galaxy
NGC 1746 asterism
NGC 1850 open cluster
NGC 1851 globular cluster
NGC 1873 open cluster
NGC 1901 open cluster
NGC 1904 globular cluster
NGC 1907 open cluster
NGC 1912 Starfish Cluster
NGC 1931 Fly Nebula
NGC 1952 Crab Nebula
NGC 1960 open cluster
NGC 1973 Running Man Nebula
NGC 1975 Running Man Nebula
NGC 1976 Orion Nebula
NGC 1977 Running Man Nebula
NGC 1980 Lost Jewel of Orion
NGC 1981 open cluster
NGC 1982 De Mairan's Nebula
NGC 1990 Epsilon Orionis Nebula
NGC 2000 open cluster
NGC 2022 planetary nebula
NGC 2023 Lump Star
NGC 2024 Flaming Tree Nebula
NGC 2029 Dragon's Head Nebula
NGC 2032 Dragon's Head Nebula
NGC 2032 Seagull Nebula
NGC 2035 Dragon's Head Nebula
NGC 2040 open cluster
NGC 2068 emission nebula
NGC 2070 Tarantula Nebula
NGC 2099 open cluster
NGC 2126 open cluster
NGC 2168 open cluster
NGC 2174 Monkey Head Nebula
NGC 2175 Monkey Head Nebula
NGC 2175 open cluster
NGC 2237 Rosette Nebula
NGC 2238 Rosette Nebula
NGC 2239 Rosette Nebula
NGC 2244 Rosette Cluster
NGC 2246 Rosette Nebula
NGC 2258 lenticular galaxy
NGC 2260 open cluster
NGC 2261 Hubble's Variable Nebula
NGC 2264 Cone Nebula
NGC 2281 open cluster
NGC 2287 open cluster
NGC 2296 emission nebula
NGC 2323 open cluster
NGC 2335 open cluster
NGC 2354 open cluster
NGC 2358 open cluster
NGC 2360 Caroline's Cluster
NGC 2362 Tau Canis Majoris Cluster
NGC 2392 Eskimo Nebula
NGC 2403 intermediate spiral galaxy
NGC 2404 star-forming region
NGC 2419 Intergalactic Wanderer
NGC 2421 open cluster
NGC 2422 open cluster
NGC 2423 open cluster
NGC 2437 open cluster
NGC 2439 open cluster
NGC 2447 open cluster
NGC 2451 composite open cluster
NGC 2451A open cluster
NGC 2451B open cluster
NGC 2467 Skull and Crossbones Nebula
NGC 2477 open cluster
NGC 2506 open cluster
NGC 2516 Southern Beehive Cluster
NGC 2548 open cluster
NGC 2632 Praesepe
NGC 2646 spiral galaxy
NGC 2682 open cluster
NGC 2775 spiral galaxy
NGC 3031 Bode's Galaxy
NGC 3034 irregular galaxy
NGC 3115 Spindle Galaxy in Sextans
NGC 3132 Eight-Burst Nebula
NGC 3195 planetary nebula
NGC 3201 globular cluster
NGC 3242 Ghost of Jupiter
NGC 3293 Gem Cluster
NGC 3324 open cluster
NGC 3351 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 3368 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 3371 elliptical galaxy
NGC 3372 Eta Carinae Nebula
NGC 3379 elliptical galaxy
NGC 3384 elliptical galaxy
NGC 3481 spiral galaxy
NGC 3532 Wishing Well Cluster
NGC 3556 spiral galaxy
NGC 3587 Owl Nebula
NGC 3623 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 3627 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 3766 Pearl Cluster
NGC 3953 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 3992 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 4006 elliptical galaxy
NGC 4147 globular cluster
NGC 4192 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 4236 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 4241 spiral galaxy
NGC 4244 Silver Needle Galaxy
NGC 4254 Coma Pinwheel Galaxy
NGC 4258 spiral galaxy
NGC 4261 elliptical galaxy
NGC 4303 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 4321 spiral galaxy
NGC 4365 elliptical galaxy
NGC 4372 globular cluster
NGC 4374 elliptical galaxy
NGC 4382 elliptical galaxy
NGC 4406 elliptical galaxy
NGC 4449 irregular galaxy
NGC 4453 spiral galaxy
NGC 4472 elliptical galaxy
NGC 4486 Virgo A
NGC 4490 Cocoon Galaxy
NGC 4501 spiral galaxy
NGC 4530 Chara
NGC 4544 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 4548 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 4552 elliptical galaxy
NGC 4559 spiral galaxy
NGC 4565 Needle Galaxy
NGC 4569 spiral galaxy
NGC 4579 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 4590 globular cluster
NGC 4594 Sombrero Galaxy
NGC 4605 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 4621 elliptical galaxy
NGC 4631 Whale Galaxy in Canes Venatici
NGC 4649 elliptical galaxy
NGC 4697 elliptical galaxy
NGC 4736 spiral galaxy
NGC 4755 Jewel Box
NGC 4826 Black Eye Galaxy
NGC 4833 globular cluster
NGC 4866 lenticular galaxy
NGC 4884 Coma B
NGC 4889 Coma B
NGC 4945 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 5005 intermediate spiral galaxy
NGC 5024 globular cluster
NGC 5043 open cluster
NGC 5055 Sunflower Galaxy
NGC 5128 Centaurus A
NGC 5139 Omega Centauri
NGC 5146 elliptical galaxy
NGC 5170 spiral galaxy
NGC 5194 Whirlpool Galaxy
NGC 5236 Southern Pinwheel Galaxy
NGC 5248 intermediate spiral galaxy
NGC 5272 globular cluster
NGC 5286 globular cluster
NGC 5291 Seashell Galaxy
NGC 5333 lenticular galaxy
NGC 5457 Pinwheel Galaxy
NGC 5460 open cluster
NGC 5694 globular cluster
NGC 5715 open cluster
NGC 5815 spiral galaxy
NGC 5823 open cluster
NGC 5866 Spindle Galaxy in Draco
NGC 5904 globular cluster
NGC 6025 open cluster
NGC 6067 open cluster
NGC 6087 S Normae Cluster
NGC 6093 globular cluster
NGC 6101 globular cluster
NGC 6121 globular cluster
NGC 6124 open cluster
NGC 6152 open cluster
NGC 6167 open cluster
NGC 6171 globular cluster
NGC 6193 open cluster
NGC 6205 Hercules Cluster
NGC 6218 globular cluster
NGC 6231 open cluster
NGC 6234 elliptical galaxy
NGC 6242 open cluster
NGC 6250 open cluster
NGC 6254 globular cluster
NGC 6266 globular cluster
NGC 6273 globular cluster
NGC 6302 Bug Nebula
NGC 6333 globular cluster
NGC 6341 globular cluster
NGC 6352 globular cluster
NGC 6357 Lobster Nebula
NGC 6397 globular cluster
NGC 6402 globular cluster
NGC 6405 Butterfly Cluster
NGC 6475 Ptolemy's Cluster
NGC 6494 open cluster
NGC 6514 Trifid Nebula
NGC 6523 Lagoon Nebula
NGC 6531 open cluster
NGC 6535 globular cluster
NGC 6539 globular cluster
NGC 6501 lenticular galaxy
NGC 6541 globular cluster
NGC 6543 Cat's Eye Nebula
NGC 6549 spiral galaxy
NGC 6572 planetary nebula
NGC 6587 lenticular galaxy
NGC 6611 Eagle Nebula
NGC 6618 Omega Nebula
NGC 6626 globular cluster
NGC 6631 open cluster
NGC 6633 Tweedledum Cluster
NGC 6637 globular cluster
NGC 6656 globular cluster
NGC 6681 globular cluster
NGC 6694 open cluster
NGC 6705 Wild Duck Cluster
NGC 6715 globular cluster
NGC 6720 Ring Nebula
NGC 6729 R Coronae Australis Nebula
NGC 6741 Phantom Streak Nebula
NGC 6744 spiral galaxy
NGC 6752 Great Peacock Globular
NGC 6765 planetary nebula
NGC 6779 globular cluster
NGC 6809 Summer Rose Star
NGC 6820 emission nebula
NGC 6820 reflection nebula
NGC 6822 Barnard's Galaxy
NGC 6823 open cluster
NGC 6826 Blinking Planetary Nebula
NGC 6830 open cluster
NGC 6838 globular cluster
NGC 6853 Dumbbell Nebula
NGC 6864 globular cluster
NGC 6885 open cluster
NGC 6888 Crescent Nebula
NGC 6913 open cluster
NGC 6930 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 6934 globular cluster
NGC 6946 Fireworks Galaxy
NGC 6960 Western Veil Nebula
NGC 6974 Supernova Remnant
NGC 6981 globular cluster
NGC 6992 Network Nebula
NGC 6994 asterism
NGC 6995 Eastern Veil Nebula
NGC 7000 North America Nebula
NGC 7006 globular cluster
NGC 7009 Saturn Nebula
NGC 7023 Iris Nebula
NGC 7066 spiral galaxy
NGC 7078 Great Pegasus Cluster
NGC 7089 open cluster
NGC 7092 open cluster
NGC 7099 globular cluster
NGC 7209 open cluster
NGC 7243 open cluster
NGC 7293 Helix Nebula
NGC 7331 spiral galaxy
NGC 7437 spiral galaxy
NGC 7479 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 7538 Northern Lagoon Nebula
NGC 7563 barred spiral galaxy
NGC 7596 lenticular galaxy
NGC 7635 Bubble Nebula
NGC 7654 Scorpion Cluster
NGC 7662 Blue Snowball Nebula
NGC 7722 spiral galaxy
NGC 7814 Little Sombrero Galaxy


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