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Jupiter IV

Proper NameCallisto
DesignationJupiter IV
Primary PlanetJupiter
Orbital Period16 days, 17 hours
Distance from JupiterSemi-Major Axis: 1,882,700 km
Periapsis: 1,869,500 km
Apoapsis: 1,895,900 km
Rotation Period16 days, 17 hours (synchronous)
Mean Diameter4,821 km
2,996 miles

The outermost of the four Galilean moons of Jupiter circles its parent planet at a distance of a little under two million kilometres, making it nearly twice as distant from Jupiter as any of its three bright companion moons, Ganymede, Europa and Io. It has a dark surface speckled with bright craters, often surrounded by rings of material. Its largest surface feature is a wide circular region about six hundred kilometres in diameter, Valhalla, which is surrounded by circular patterns that extend outward across Callisto's surface.


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