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Index of Miscellaneous Designations

This miscellaneous index is limited to stars that are most commonly known by designations other than the Bayer or Flamsteed systems. More comprehensive indices are available for certain catalogues:

Location of Alphecca
Relative Galactic Position of Algol
2MASS Designations (2Micron All-Sky Survey)
2MASS J20585707-12344272MASS J23062928-0502285
Bassino Waldhausen Martinez Stars
BWM 8NGC 6994 BWM 8
Bonner Durchmusterung
BD -05 1296BD +14 4559BD +60 2522
BD +05 1668BD +46 110
Brun 286
Deep Near-Infrared Survey (DENIS)
DEN 0255-4700DENIS J104919.0-531910DENIS J025503.3-470049
DENIS 0255-4700
EPIC Designations (Ecliptic Planet Input Catalog)
EPIC 246199087
GAIA Stars
GAIA 1238284945983059200GAIA 6888763505652098432
Gliese-Jahreiß Catalog
Gliese 35Gliese 447Gliese 644
Gliese 65Gliese 473Gliese 713
Gliese 71Gliese 486Gliese 752
Gliese 139Gliese 526Gliese 777
Gliese 273Gliese 536Gliese 866
Gliese 380Gliese 551Gliese 908
Gliese 388Gliese 570Gliese 1214
Gliese 406Gliese 581Gliese 1245
Gliese 411Gliese 643Gliese 3483
Gliese 412
Groombridge Catalogue of Circumpolar Stars
Groombridge 1618
HAT-P Designations (HATNet Project)
Hipparcos Catalogue
HIP 1512HIP 30905HIP 76351
HIP 2689HIP 35751HIP 79431
HIP 6643HIP 36208HIP 92798
HIP 12961HIP 38041HIP 95991
HIP 13192HIP 62452HIP 104780
HIP 25976
Lalande Designations (Hístoire Céleste Française)
Lalande 18115Lalande 21258Lalande 27173
Lalande 21185Lalande 25372Lalande 46650
Luhman Designations
Luhman 16
Lowell Proper Motion Survey (Giclas)
Giclas 208-44Giclas 208-45
Kepler phase 2 (K2)
Luyten Catalogue
Luyten 97-3Luyten 726-8Luyten 789-6
Luyten 119-213
Luyten Half Second Catalogue
LHS 9LHS 280LHS 3495
LHS 19LHS 3275LHS 3844
LHS 33LHS 3494LHS 5167
LHS 68
Oasa-Tamura-Sugitani objects within Chamæleon I
OTS 44
PSR 0630+18PSR B0630+17PSR J0633+1746
PSR 1257+12PSR B1257+12PSR J1300+1240
Ross Designations (New Proper Motion Stars)
Ross 128Ross 206Ross 652
Ross 154Ross 248Ross 698
Ross 156
Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)
SDSS J144412.93+203641.1
Smithsonian Stellar Catalog
SAO 20575
SO Designations
Supernova Remnants
SN 437SN 1885A
TOI designations (TESS Objects of Interest)
TRAPPIST Designations
(Transiting Planets and Planetesimals Small Telescope)
Tycho Catalog
TYC 4774-0828-1TYC 4778-1380-1
UGPS Designations (UKIDSS Galactic Plane Survey)
UGPS J0722-0540UGPS J072227.51-054031.2
Van Biesbroeck's Star Catalog
VB 8VB 10
van Maanen Designations
van Maanen 2
WASP Designations (Wide Angle Search for Planets)
WD 0806-661
WISE Designations (Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer)
W0855WISE J083011.97+283716.6WISE J1049-5319AB
WISE J072227.27-054029.9WISE J0855-0714WISEA J083011.95+283716.0
WISE J0830+2837WISE J085510.83-071442.5WISEA J085510.74-071442.5
Wolf Designations
Wolf 1Wolf 359Wolf 562
Wolf 2Wolf 424Wolf 629
Wolf 28Wolf 437Wolf 630
Wolf 358Wolf 498Wolf 1055
2MASS Designations (2Micron All-Sky Survey)
2MASS J20585707-1234427
2MASS J23062928-0502285
Bassino Waldhausen Martinez Stars
NGC 6994 BWM 8
Bonner Durchmusterung
BD -05 1296
BD +05 1668
BD +14 4559
BD +46 110
BD +60 2522
Brun 286
Deep Near-Infrared Survey (DENIS)
DEN 0255-4700
DENIS 0255-4700
DENIS J104919.0-531910
DENIS J025503.3-470049
EPIC Designations (Ecliptic Planet Input Catalog)
EPIC 246199087
GAIA Stars
GAIA 1238284945983059200
GAIA 6888763505652098432
Gliese-Jahreiß Catalog
Gliese 35
Gliese 65
Gliese 71
Gliese 139
Gliese 273
Gliese 380
Gliese 388
Gliese 406
Gliese 411
Gliese 412
Gliese 447
Gliese 473
Gliese 486
Gliese 526
Gliese 536
Gliese 551
Gliese 570
Gliese 581
Gliese 643
Gliese 644
Gliese 713
Gliese 752
Gliese 777
Gliese 866
Gliese 908
Gliese 1214
Gliese 1245
Gliese 3483
Groombridge Catalogue of Circumpolar Stars
Groombridge 1618
HAT-P Designations (HATNet Project)
Hipparcos Catalogue
HIP 1512
HIP 2689
HIP 6643
HIP 12961
HIP 13192
HIP 25976
HIP 30905
HIP 35751
HIP 36208
HIP 38041
HIP 62452
HIP 76351
HIP 79431
HIP 92798
HIP 95991
HIP 104780
Lalande Designations (Hístoire Céleste Française)
Lalande 18115
Lalande 21185
Lalande 21258
Lalande 25372
Lalande 27173
Lalande 46650
Luhman Designations
Luhman 16
Lowell Proper Motion Survey (Giclas)
Giclas 208-44
Giclas 208-45
Kepler phase 2 (K2)
Luyten Catalogue
Luyten 97-3
Luyten 119-213
Luyten 726-8
Luyten 789-6
Luyten Half Second Catalogue
LHS 19
LHS 33
LHS 68
LHS 280
LHS 3275
LHS 3494
LHS 3495
LHS 3844
LHS 5167
Oasa-Tamura-Sugitani objects within Chamæleon I
OTS 44
PSR 0630+18
PSR 1257+12
PSR B0630+17
PSR B1257+12
PSR J0633+1746
PSR J1300+1240
Ross Designations (New Proper Motion Stars)
Ross 128
Ross 154
Ross 156
Ross 206
Ross 248
Ross 652
Ross 698
Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)
SDSS J144412.93+203641.1
Smithsonian Stellar Catalog
SAO 20575
SO Designations
Supernova Remnants
SN 437
SN 1885A
TOI designations (TESS Objects of Interest)
TRAPPIST Designations
(Transiting Planets and Planetesimals Small Telescope)
Tycho Catalog
TYC 4774-0828-1
TYC 4778-1380-1
UGPS Designations (UKIDSS Galactic Plane Survey)
UGPS J0722-0540
UGPS J072227.51-054031.2
Van Biesbroeck's Star Catalog
VB 8
VB 10
van Maanen Designations
van Maanen 2
WASP Designations (Wide Angle Search for Planets)
WD 0806-661
WISE Designations (Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer)
WISE J072227.27-054029.9
WISE J0830+2837
WISE J083011.97+283716.6
WISE J0855-0714
WISE J085510.83-071442.5
WISE J1049-5319AB
WISEA J083011.95+283716.0
WISEA J085510.74-071442.5
Wolf Designations
Wolf 1
Wolf 2
Wolf 28
Wolf 358
Wolf 359
Wolf 424
Wolf 437
Wolf 498
Wolf 562
Wolf 629
Wolf 630
Wolf 1055
