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Third Planet of the Solar System

Proper NameEarth
Orbital Period1 year
365.26 days
Distance from the SunSemi-Major Axis: 149,597,900 km (1.00 AU)
Perihelion: 147,099,600 km (0.98 AU)
Aphelion: 152,096,200 km (1.02 AU)
Rotation Period23 hours, 56 minutes
Diameter12,735 km
Mean Surface Temperature288 K (15°C)
MoonsThe Moon
Parent starThe Sun, yellow dwarf
Other planets in this systemMercury, terrestrial planet
Venus, terrestrial planet
Mars, terrestrial planet
Jupiter, gas giant
Saturn, gas giant
Uranus, ice giant
Neptune, ice giant
Numerous dwarf planets, asteroids and other bodies
NotesThe third planet of the Solar System is the largest of the four terrestrial planets, and the only one known to support a biosphere.
A view of Antarctica

A bleak outcropping of rock on Earth's icy south polar continent. Due to various factors, including the presence of life, Earth displays a greater range of environmental conditions than any other known world.

Use the scrollbar on the right of this window to view the distance between the Earth and the Moon, shown to scale.

The largest of the terrestrial planets, and the only planet in the universe known to harbour life.

A View of Earth

You are here. The unique Earth, home to more than 6,000,000,000 individual humans and literally countless other species of animals and plants. Nothing else like it is known anywhere in the universe.


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