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Proper NameNone
DesignationsWolf 359 c, CN Leonis c, Gliese 406 c
ClassificationSuper Earth (unconfirmed)
Orbital Period2 days, 16 hours
Mean Distance from Wolf 3592.7 million km
0.02 AU
Mass3.8 x Earth
DiameterNot known
TemperatureNot known
Parent starWolf 359 red dwarf in Leo
Other planets in this systemWolf 359 b, unconfirmed extrasolar planet
NotesInitial investigations of a possible planetary system around the red dwarf Wolf 359 suggested two potential planets, with Wolf 359 c being an inner low-mass planet, while its companion Wolf 359 b represented more massive planet in a more distant orbit from the star. It is now thought that the proposed inner planet Wolf 359 c almost certainly does not exist. The star's outer, more massive planet Wolf 359 b still remains to be confirmed, but unlike Wolf 359 c, its existence remains at least plausible.

Imagery provided by Aladin sky atlas


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