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The Sink Hole

Barnard 59, LDN 1746

Proper NamesThe Sink Hole
Messier NumberNone
NGC/IC NumberNone
Other designationsBarnard 59, LDN 1746
Associated with the dark nebulae Barnard 77 and Barnard 78, the Pipe Nebula
Right Ascension17h 11m 18s
Declination-27° 22' 0"
Distance587 light years
180 parsecs
MagnitudeNot applicable
DiameterApparent: 1° 25'
Actual: 14.5 light years
Optimum VisibilityJune / July

The ragged dark patch of the Sink Hole lies at the western end of a stream of material running into the heart of the Milky Way as it passes through Ophiuchus. This long dark strand forms the stem of the Pipe Nebula, a larger absorption nebula comprising the dark clouds Barnard 77 and Barnard 78. Imagery provided by Aladin sky atlas


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