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2920 Automedon

Asteroid of the Trojan group

Asteroid Number2920
Asteroid GroupJupiter trojans
Asteroid FamilyGreek node
Composition ClassD-type, C-type (carbonaceous)
Orbital Period11 years, 197 days
Distance from the SunSemi-Major Axis: 764,837,000 km (5.11 AU)
Perihelion: 743,411,000 km (4.97 AU)
Aphelion: 786,263,000 km (5.26 AU)
Diameter (Mean)89 km
NotesAutomedon is a Trojan asteroid of Jupiter, preceding that giant planet along its orbit by sixty degrees (and with significant orbital inclination). This is a body belonging to the dark D-type asteroid classification, an otherwise relatively rare type that is found most commonly among Trojans like Automedon.

An asteroid some 89 km in diameter that pursues a twelve-year orbit around the Sun far beyond the farthest edge of the main Asteroid Belt. In fact, its orbit is similar to that of Jupiter, but inclined by 21° to the plane of the ecliptic.
