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90 Antiope

Asteroid Number90
Asteroid GroupMain Asteroid Belt
Asteroid FamilyThemis family
Composition ClassC-type (carbonaceous)
Orbital Period5 years, 215 days
Distance from the SunSemi-Major Axis: 471,042,645 km (3.15 AU)
Perihelion: 392,614,273 km (2.62 AU)
Aphelion: 549,471,016 km (3.67 AU)
Diameter (Mean)88 and 84 kilometres (respective values for the two component objects)
NotesPart of the extensive Themis family that swarms around the outer Asteroid Belt, Antiope is notable as being a binary or double asteroid. It consists of two gravitationally bound objects of similar size and mass orbiting around a common centre of gravity, at a distance of less than two hundred kilometres from one another.


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