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The results of your search for 'Dori'

Your search query matched a total of 66 entries. For large sets of results like this, the lists below may not show all matching entries. To see more manageable results, try lengthening your search term or making it more specific.

Best matches

DoriA Dwarf of the Quest of Erebor
DoriathThingol’s Hidden Kingdom
Elves of DoriathThe People of Thingol and Melian
King of DoriathThe royal title of Thingol and his Heir
Queen of DoriathMelian the Maia
Ruin of DoriathThe destruction of Thingol’s ancient realm
Runes of DoriathThe Certhas Daeron
GondoriansThe Men of Gondor
HildórienBirthplace of the race of Men
LindóriëThe mother of Inzilbêth
LindórinandVale of the Land of the Singers
NandorinThe tongue of the Nandor

Related topics

AranrúthThe sword of Thingol of Doriath
ArthórienA region of eastern Doriath
Beleg StrongbowMarchwarden of Doriath
Bridge of EsgalduinThe crossing on the northern borders of Doriath
Captain of the HostsA military title among the Gondorians
CermiëThe seventh month of the Gondorian year
Certhas DaeronThe original Runes of Doriath
Crown of GondorThe jewelled helm of the Gondorian Kings
CúthalionThe surname of Beleg of Doriath
DaeronThe loremaster of Doriath
Dúnedain of the SouthThe Gondorians
EgladorAn old name for the kingdom of Doriath
Elves of SirionThe last exiles of Gondolin and Doriath
Elwë SingolloThe original name of Elu Thingol of Doriath
Forest of NeldorethThe lesser, northern forest of Doriath
Forest of RegionThe greater part of the kingdom of Doriath
GethronOne of the guides who led Túrin to Doriath
Girdle of MelianThe magical web that protected Doriath
Hidden KingdomA name for both Doriath and Gondolin
HírilornThe great beech of Doriath
HísimëA winter month of the Gondorians
Kin-strifeThe Gondorian civil war
Land of the GirdleThe protected realm of Doriath
LótessëThe fifth month of the Gondorian year
Lúthien TinúvielThe Nightingale of Doriath
Mablung of the Heavy HandA captain of Doriath
MelianQueen to Thingol of Doriath
MenegrothThe Thousand Caves of Doriath
MinalcarThe Gondorian noble who became Rómendacil II
Nameless OneA Gondorian reference to Sauron
Nan DungorthebThe dreadful valley north of Doriath
NáriëThe sixth month of the Gondorian year
NivrimThe westernmost woods of Doriath
Prince of BelfalasA noble title among the Gondorians
River ArosThe southern border-river of Doriath
River AscarLast resting-place of the treasures of Doriath
River EsgalduinThe river that flowed through Doriath
RunesCharacters first devised by Daeron of Doriath
Standing SilenceA custom among the Gondorians
Stewards’ ReckoningThe Gondorian calendar of the later Third Age
StrongbowThe surname of Beleg of Doriath
Sweet GalenasA Gondorian name for pipe-weed
TarksA name for the Gondorians
The ArcherA title for Beleg of Doriath
The Heavy HandThe title of Mablung of Doriath
The MaiaA title of Melian the Queen of Doriath
The ManA title given to Beren in Doriath
The MinstrelA title of Daeron of Doriath
TuilérëA feast-day of the Gondorian calendar
ÚrimëThe eighth month of the Gondorian year
VíressëThe fourth month of the Gondorian year
West MarchDoriath beyond Sirion
Whispering WoodThe old Gondorian name for the Firien Wood
YavanniëThe ninth month of the Gondorian year

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