The Shire was founded in III 1601, and expanded to include the Westmarch in IV 31 ( 1452 by the Shire-reckoning)
The Shire, the lands westward of the Brandywine in the middle regions of Eriador
The first Hobbits settled the Shire having travelled westward from Bree
The chief town of the Shire- hobbits was Michel Delving; other towns and villages included Brockenbores, Budgeford, Bywater, Deephallow, Dwaling, Frogmorton, Hobbiton, Little Delving, Longbottom, Needlehole, Nobottle, Oatbarton, Overhill, Pincup, Rushey, Scary, Stock, Tookbank, Tuckborough, Underhill, Waymeet, Whitfurrows, Willowbottom
Shire derives from Old English scír, meaning a land granted as a fiefdom; Hobbits comes from holbytlan, meaning 'hole-builders'
Other names
About this entry:
- Updated 3 January 2009
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The Hobbits of the Shire; the descendants and followers of Marcho and Blanco, the two Bree-hobbits who founded the Shire. Among the Shire-hobbits were representatives of each of the three main types of Hobbit, the Stoors, Harfoots and Fallohides.
Shire-hobbits were considered the most rustic and pastoral of their kind, even by other Hobbits (such as those of Bree or Buckland). The most important family among the Shire-hobbits were the Tooks of the Westfarthing, who had held the hereditary, and largely honorary, title of Thain from III 2340.
See also...
Aduial, Afteryule, Alfrida of the Yale, Baggins Family, Banks Family, Battle of Bywater, Berylla Boffin, Big People, Blodmath, Blommath, Bounders, Bracegirdle Family, Bree-landers, Briar, Bridge of Stonebows, [See the full list...]Briffo Boffin, Brown Family, Bucca of the Marish, Buckland, Bucklanders, Budgeford, Bunce Family, Bywater Road, Chica Chubb, Chiefs Men, Chubb Family, Deephallow, Deputy Mayor, Diggle Family, Dina Diggle, East Road, Eastfarthing of the Shire, Eleventy, Elostirion, Fastred of Greenholm, First Shirriff, Forelithe, Foreyule, Four Farthings, Full Muster, Galabas, Galbasi, Gamgee Family, Gammidge Family, Gamwich Family, Gardner Family, Gilly Brownlock, Goldilocks Gamgee, Goldworthy Family, Goodchild Family, Goold Family, Great Bridge, Great Road, Green Hills, Grubb Family, Gwirith, Hares, Harvestmath, Herblore of the Shire, High Hay, Highday, Hithui, Hobbit-speech, Hobbiton Hill, Hobbits of the Shire, Inside, Ivy, Laburnums, Lily Baggins, Lithe, Lithedays, Lotho Sackville-Baggins, Men of the Long Lake, Men out of the South, Menegilda Goold, Menelya, Meresdei, Mersday, Messenger Service, Mewlips, Midsummer, Monday, Mungo Baggins, New Year, Old Words and Names in the Shire, Ormenel, Overlithe, Pimple, Puddifoot Family, Reckoning of Years, River Baranduin, Rufus Burrows, Sackville Family, Sackville-Baggins Family, Saruman, Scary, Sharkeys End, Shire Calendar, Shire-muster, Shire-reform, Shire-thain, Smallburrow Family, Smials, Springle-ring, Sunday, Sunlands, Swertings, The Boss, The Guardians, The River, The Rules, The Shire, The Towers, The Towers, The Watch, The Water, Toads, Tolman Tom Cotton, junior, Tolman Tom Cotton, senior, Travellers, Trewesdei, Undertowers, Vines, War of the Ring, Warden of Westmarch, Waymeet, White Towers, Whitfoot Family, Wintring, Woody End, Yavannië, Yáviérë, Yuletide
About this entry:
- Updated 3 January 2009
- Updates planned: 1
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