Feature on | Mars | Feature type | Albedo formation (volcanic plateau) | Quadrangles | Primarily MC-09 Tharsis and MC-17 Phoenicis Lacus (with elements extending into MC-03 Arcadia, MC-10 Lunae Palus, MC-18 Coprates and MC-25 Thaumasia) | Areographic coordinates | 55° N - 43° S, 215° - 300° E | Dimensions | Diameter c. 5,000 km |
An upland region, primarily in the northern hemisphere of Mars, but sufficiently extensive that its southern parts cross the Martian equator into the southern hemisphere. Its most prominent feature is a line of three gigantic volcanoes, collectively known as the Tharsis Montes. From west to east, these are Arsia Mons, Pavonis Mons and Ascraeus Mons.