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Albedo formation on Mars

Feature onMars
Feature typeAlbedo formation (volcanic plateau)
QuadranglesPrimarily MC-09 Tharsis and MC-17 Phoenicis Lacus (with elements extending into MC-03 Arcadia, MC-10 Lunae Palus, MC-18 Coprates and MC-25 Thaumasia)
Areographic coordinates55° N - 43° S, 215° - 300° E
DimensionsDiameter c. 5,000 km

An upland region, primarily in the northern hemisphere of Mars, but sufficiently extensive that its southern parts cross the Martian equator into the southern hemisphere. Its most prominent feature is a line of three gigantic volcanoes, collectively known as the Tharsis Montes. From west to east, these are Arsia Mons, Pavonis Mons and Ascraeus Mons.


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