About this entry:
Updated 3 April 1998
Updates planned: 87
Samwise Sam Gamgee
Frodos faithful servant
The Company of the Ring
Aragorn Boromir Frodo Baggins Gandalf Gimli Legolas Meriadoc Brandybuck Peregrin Took Samwise Gamgee
Faithful servant and companion of Frodo Baggins , who accompanied him into Mordor and aided in the achievement of the Quest of Mount Doom .
The date of Sam's birthday is not certain. This date is given in Appendix D of The Lord of the Rings as the date of celebrations on the Party Field in Hobbiton . One explanation is that this was Sam's birthday, but an alternative reason is that this is also the date of the Elvish new year (called Yestarë ). It is possible, of course, that both explanations are correct, and Sam happened to have been born on this auspicious day.
Earlier versions of the Tale of Years carried an error for Sam's date of birth, giving it as III 2983 rather than S.R. 1380 (that is III 2980 ), the date long established by his genealogical tree. In more recent editions of The Lord of the Rings , this error has been corrected.
See also...
Aman , Amon Hen , Andwise Andy Roper , Anemones , Anson Roper , Appledore Family , Apples , Aragorn Elessar , Asphodel , Banakil , Banazîr , Barad-dûr , Battle Gardens , Battle of the Pelennor Fields , Bays , [See the full list...] Beetles , Bell Goodchild , Bent World , Berhael , Better Smials , Bilbo Gamgee , Bill , Bowman Nick Cotton , Box-woods , Briar , Broom , Brown Family , Bywater Pool , Bywater Road , Carl Nibs Cotton , Celandines , Chestnuts , Cirith Dúath , Clematis , Cock-robin , Companions of the Ring , Company of the Ring , Cornel , Cotton Family , Council of Elrond , Counsellor of the North-kingdom , Crickets , Daisy Gamgee , Daisy Gamgee , Daur , Deputy Mayor , Desolation of the Morannon , Eagles of the North , Eastfarthing of the Shire , Eglantine , Elanor , Elanor Gamgee , Elfstan Fairbairn , Elven-cloaks , Emyn Muil , Erling , Fairbairn Family , Fallen King , Fastred of Greenholm , Field of Cormallen , Filbert , Finches , Fíriel , First Shirriff , Folklands , Fourth Age , Foxes , Frodo Baggins , Frodo Gardner , Gaffer Gamgee , Galabas , Galadriel , Galbasi , Galpsi , Gamgee Family , Gammidge Family , Gammidgy , Gardner Family , Gildor Inglorion , Gnats , Golden Tree , Goldilocks Gamgee , Gollum , Goodchild Family , Gorse , Great Signal , Great Year of Plenty , Green Dragon , Green Hill Country , Greenholm , Guards of Minas Tirith , Gwaihir , Halfast Hal Gamgee , Halfred Gamgee , Halfred Greenhand , Halfred of Overhill , Hamfast Gaffer Gamgee , Hamfast Gamgee , Hamfast of Gamwich , Hamson Gamgee , Harding of the Hill , Hending , High Pass , Hill of Hearing , Hill of the Eye , Hob Gammidge , Hobbit-names , Hobbiton Hill , Hobson , Holfast Gardner , Holm-oaks , Holman Greenhand , Holman Long Hom Cotton , Holman the greenhanded , Ilexes , Iris , Junipers , Landroval , Larches , Last Riding of the Keepers of the Rings , Lebethron , Ling , Long Hom , Longfather-tree of Master Samwise , Mablung , Maggots Lane , Malinorni , Marigold Gamgee , Master , May , May Gamgee , Mayor of Michel Delving , Men out of the South , Meneldor , Mere of Dead Faces , Merry Gamgee , Mice , Mistress of Magic , Mordor , Morgul Pass , Mrs. Lily Cotton (née Lily Brown) , Neekerbreekers , Nine-fingered , Old Gamgee , Old Gammidgy , Onions , Overhill , Parsley , Party Field , Party Tree , Peregrin Pippin Took I , Pippin Gamgee , Plateau of Gorgoroth , Ponies , Pool Side , Primeroles , Primrose Gamgee , Quest of Mount Doom , Red Book of Westmarch , Ring of Doom , Ring-bearers , River Anduin , Robin Gamgee , Roper Family , Roper Gamgee , Rosa Baggins , Rose , Rose Cotton , Rose Gamgee , Rowan , Ruby Gamgee , Rumble Family , Sage , Sammath Naur , Sandyman , Saxifrage , Ship of Long-foam , Shire-reckoning , Shriekers , Slag-hills , Slinker , Slugs , South Lane , Spiders , Stairs of Cirith Ungol , Star of the Dúnedain , Stinker , Stock Road , Stone of Orthanc , Stonecrop , Straight Stair , Straight Way , Sunflowers , Tamarisk , Terebinth , Thain of the Shire , The Fair , The Fall of Gil-galad , The greenhanded , The Ivy Bush , The Strong , The Towers , The Watcher , The Water , Thyme , Tighfield , Tim , Toads , Tolman Tom Cotton, junior , Tolman Tom Cotton, senior , Tolman Tom Gamgee , Tom , Tower-gate , Travellers , Tree-men , Turnips , Under-way , Undertowers , Warden of Westmarch , Water-lilies , Westmarch of the Shire , Widow Rumble , Wilcome Jolly Cotton , Wilcome Will Cotton , Window of the Sunset , Window on the West , Wiseman Gamwich , Woodhall
About this entry:
Updated 3 April 1998
Updates planned: 87
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