Edoras , the royal city of
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Updated 13 April 2003
Updates planned: 26
Kings of Rohan
Eorl Brego Aldor Fréa Fréawine Goldwine Déor Gram Helm Hammerhand (Wulf) Fréaláf Brytta Léofa Walda Folca Folcwine Fengel Thengel Théoden Éomer Elfwine
The son of Thengel ; the seventeenth King of Rohan and last of the Second Line . He led the Rohirrim at the Battle of the Hornburg , and was lost defending Minas Tirith in the Battle of the Pelennor . He was succeeded by his nephew, Éomer .
The éo sound in Théoden's name is pronounced approximately like the vowel sound in the English word 'ear'.
Théoden's name comes from a real Anglo-Saxon word that originally meant 'leader of the people'. The element théod , 'people', occurs in many of the names of the Rohirrim , and also in their ancestral name, Éothéod , meaning 'Horse People'.
See also...
Aragorn Elessar , Barrowfield , Battle of the Hornburg , Battle of the Pelennor Fields , Battles of the Fords of Isen , Beacons of Gondor , Black Serpent , Captain of Sauron , Captain of the Kings Household , Ceorl , Crossings of Isen , Dernhelm , Dîn , Doorward of Théoden , Drúedain , [See the full list...] Dúnhere , Éadig , East Anórien , Ednew , Elfhild , Eofor , Éoherë , Éomer Éadig , Éomund of Eastfold , Fastred , Fastred , Firefoot , First Marshal of the Riddermark , Folcred , Folcwine , Full Muster , Gálmód , Ghân , Gléowine , Great Hall of Feasts , Grey Wood , Gríma Wormtongue , Guthláf , Harding , Haudh in Gwanûr , Herefara , Herubrand , Herugrim , Hildeson , Hirgon , Horn , Horse-men , Horsemaster , Horsemen of Rohan , Horses , King of Rohan , King of the Second Line , Kings Company , Kûd-dûkan , Lady of Rohan , Lady of the Shield-arm , Láthspell , Legolas Greenleaf , Lightfoot , Lord of Deeping-coomb , Lord of Harrowdale , Lord of the Rohirrim , Marshal of the Mark , Marshal of the West-mark , Master Bag , Meduseld , Merethrond , Mering Stream , Min-Rimmon , Morwen Steelsheen , Mound of the Riders , Mounds of Mundburg , Muster of Rohan , Muster of the West-mark , Muster of Westfold , Orc-men , Ponies , Prince of Belfalas , Red Arrow , Riders of the Kings House , Riders of Théoden , Riders of West-mark , Robbers of the North , Saruman , Second Marshal of the Riddermark , Seredic Brandybuck , Serpents , Shadowfax , Silent Hill , Snowmane , Snowmanes Howe , Storm of Mordor , Stormcrow , Stybba , The Courts , The Great , The Thrice-renowned , Thengel , Thenglings , Théodred , Théodwyn , Underharrow , Underking , Upbourn , Úrui , Uruk-hai , West-march of Rohan , White Horse , White Lady , White Mountains , Wídfara , Wilimar Bolger , Wormtongue
About this entry:
Updated 13 April 2003
Updates planned: 26
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