The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
This form of the name developed some time in the last millennium of the Third Age
Shire-hobbits and Bucklanders (also used in the Bree-land)
Derived from Mannish Hihdei, the day dedicated to the 'High Ones' or Valar
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 2 February 2009
  • This entry is complete


The last day of the Shire-hobbits’ week

Days of the week

The seventh day of the week according to the Shire-hobbits, coming after 'Mersday' according to their arrangements. Though the name is superficially similar to modern 'Friday', it was in fact a day of afternoon feasting and holidaying, and is therefore in fact rather closer to Sunday from a modern perspective.

The 'Highday' of the Hobbits of the later Third Age developed from an older form, Hihdei. Tolkien's choice of the term may conceivably have been influenced by the fact that English contains a real term 'high day', which also refers to a day of festival and celebration.


About this entry:

  • Updated 2 February 2009
  • This entry is complete

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