The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
First built in III 1900; rebuilt in III 2698
At the highest point of Minas Tirith
Built by King Calimehtar; rebuilt by Steward Ecthelion I
Originally built by a King of the House of Anárion; rebuilt by a Steward of the House of Húrin
Other names
Often called simply the Tower; known after its rebuilding as the Tower of Ecthelion


About this entry:

  • Updated 21 November 2013
  • Updates planned: 2

White Tower

The Tower of Minas Tirith

A name used for the glistening Tower of Ecthelion at the peak of Minas Tirith, emphasising its opposition to Sauron's Dark Tower of Barad-dûr.


About this entry:

  • Updated 21 November 2013
  • Updates planned: 2

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