The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
I 116 - I 510 (endured 394 years)
North of Beleriand and west of Dorthonion, within the Encircling Mountains
A translation of Ondolindë, the original name of Gondolin the Quenya tongue
Other names


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  • Updated 24 April 2019
  • This entry is complete

Rock of the Music of Water

An old name for the fountained city of Gondolin

Map of the Rock of the Music of Water

After Turgon found the hidden valley of Tumladen within the Encircling Mountains, he built a shining city on the rocky hill of Amon Gwareth within the vale. There were springs on the hill, from which the sound of flowing streams filled the air, and Turgon named his new city from this sound: Ondolindë, the 'Rock of the Music of Water' in the Quenya tongue of Valinor.

Throughout the lands beyond the Encircling Mountains, the Sindarin tongue was widely spoken, and indeed many of Turgon's own followers were Sindar of Nevrast. Turgon's original name for his city was adapted by these Sindarin speakers, keeping the sounds of the original name, but remodelling it to fit their own language. The city thus became Gondolin, the 'Hidden Rock' in Sindarin, the name by which it is far more commonly known to history. That name proved apt: Gondolin remained hidden from friends and enemies alike for nearly four hundred years.


About this entry:

  • Updated 24 April 2019
  • This entry is complete

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