The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Developed after the foundation of Númenor in II 32
Renamed from the day originally known as Orgaladhad by the Elves
o'rgalath ('th' as in English 'these')
'Day of the (White) Tree'
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 31 January 1998
  • This entry is complete


The day of the White Tree

The fourth day of the Númenórean week, the name Orgaladh was adapted from the Sindarin usage 'Orgaladhad' ('Day of the Trees', referring to the Two Trees of Valinor). The Númenóreans held the White Tree Telperion in special reverence, and Nimloth, the tree that grew in the King's Court at Armenelos, was its descendant. Hence, they changed the name to Orgaladh ('Day of the Tree', referring to Telperion only).

See also...

Aldúya, Orgaladhad, Trewesdei


About this entry:

  • Updated 31 January 1998
  • This entry is complete

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