The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien


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  • Updated 29 May 2018
  • Updates planned: 1

Man of Skill

A name given to the White Wizard

The Wizards arrived in Middle-earth in about the year III 1000, and the Eldar who received them gave them names according to their nature. One, the White Wizard, had a great knowledge of the making and working of things, and thus they chose his name: Curunír, from the Sindarin for 'Man of Skill' or 'Man of Craft'.

The Wizard was not in fact a Man, but a Maia of Aman, originally one of Aulë's people, and it was from the Vala Aulë that he gained his skill and knowledge. In Aman he had been known as Curumo (which is also interpretable as something like 'Man of Skill'). In the later years of his time in Middle-earth, this Wizard settled in Orthanc on the bounds of Rohan, and his name was commonly translated into the tongue of the Rohirrim as 'Saruman', which also carries the meaning 'Man of Skill'.


About this entry:

  • Updated 29 May 2018
  • Updates planned: 1

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