About this entry:
The ancient name of King Thingol; when he settled in Doriath with Melian, he took the Sindarin form of his name, Elu Thingol.
Dark Elves, Eglador, Eglath, Eldar, Elf-kings, Elmo, Elu Thingol, Elven-kings, Elves, Elves of the Twilight, Falmari, Finwë, Forsaken Elves, Forsaken People, Greycloak, [See the full list...]Greymantle, Lord of Beleriand, Melian, Queen of Doriath, Sea-elves, Sindacollo, Singollo, Teleri of Valinor, The Unwilling, Third Clan, Water of Awakening
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