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Interactive Calendar

This interactive calendar allows you to compare and convert dates from the modern Gregorian calendar and various calendars from Tolkien's work. Just select a date from any of the drop-down lists to see the dates recalculated.


1 November

(Monday 1 Blotmath)

by the Shire Calendar

Modern Tuesday 22 October

Shire Calendar
Shire Calendar (adjusted)
Modern (Gregorian) Calendar
Calendar of Bree
Calendar of Númenor
Stewards' Reckoning
Reckoning of Rivendell

Anniversaries and Events

III 3019 Frodo and his companions travel from the Brandywine Bridge to Frogmorton, where they are arrested as evening falls.



In Appendix D of The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien says, '...March 25, the date of the downfall of the Barad-dûr, would correspond to our March 27, if our years began at the same seasonal point.' In fact our years do not begin at the same point, but this 'Adjusted' date represents the date as it would be on the Shire Calendar if they did.

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