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The Chronicle of Arda

Welcome to The Chronicle of Arda. This section of the site provides automated annals for all four Ages of the Sun and Moon. For any period of Arda's history, the Chronicle will display the events that happened in that time. Events and characters are entered into the Chronicle as they are added to the main database: like the rest of The Encyclopedia of Arda this section of the site is expanding all the time.

You can have the Chronicle look up events for specific dates by entering one or two years in the form below. If you enter two dates, the Chronicle will display events that happened between those two years. If you leave one of the dates blank, the Chronicle will display events in the century around the single year you specify.

For years after III 1601 (the year of the foundation of Shire, and therefore Shire Year 1), the Chronicle will also show years by the Shire-reckoning in a second column.

Enter a date:
Enter another date:

I 448 to I 455
(a period of 7 years)

 • 447 years after the Return of the Noldor
 • 3,454 years before the Downfall of Númenor
 • 6,594 years before the War of the Ring

The Lordship of Bregolas

The First Age

448Death of Bregor, lord of Ladros. He is succeeded by his son Bregolas.
450Probable date of the birth of Rían daughter of Belegund.
c.450Birth of Larnach.
451Probable year of the death of Haldan. His son Halmir succeeds as Lord of Brethil.
455Deaths of Angrod and Aegnor in the Dagor Bragollach.
Celegorm and Curufin flee Himlad for Nargothrond.
Winter The breaking of the Siege of Angband and beginning of the Dagor Bragollach.

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