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The Chronicle of Arda

Welcome to The Chronicle of Arda. This section of the site provides automated annals for all four Ages of the Sun and Moon. For any period of Arda's history, the Chronicle will display the events that happened in that time. Events and characters are entered into the Chronicle as they are added to the main database: like the rest of The Encyclopedia of Arda this section of the site is expanding all the time.

You can have the Chronicle look up events for specific dates by entering one or two years in the form below. If you enter two dates, the Chronicle will display events that happened between those two years. If you leave one of the dates blank, the Chronicle will display events in the century around the single year you specify.

For years after III 1601 (the year of the foundation of Shire, and therefore Shire Year 1), the Chronicle will also show years by the Shire-reckoning in a second column.

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II 32 to II 3319
(a period of 3,287 years)

 • 621 years after the Return of the Noldor
 • Contemporary with the Downfall of Númenor
 • 3,140 years before the War of the Ring

The Time of Elenna

The Second Age

32Arrival of the Edain in Númenor. Elrond's brother Elros becomes their first King, taking the name Tar-Minyatur.
c.40Around this time Dwarves out of the Blue Mountains migrate eastwards and settle alongside the Longbeards in Khazad-dûm.
61Birth of Vardamir, the eldest child of Elros Tar-Minyatur.
192Birth of the eldest son of Vardamir Nólimon, who will go on to rule Númenor as King Tar-Amandil.
203Birth of Vardilmë, second child and only daughter of Vardamir Nólimon.
213Birth of Aulendil, third child of Vardamir Nólimon.
222Birth of Nolondil, youngest child of Vardamir Nólimon.
350Birth of the eldest son of Tar-Amandil, later to rule Númenor as Tar-Elendil.
361Birth of Eärendur, younger son of King Tar-Amandil of Númenor.
371Birth of Yávien daughter of Nolondil in Númenor.
377Birth of Mairen, daughter of Tar-Elendil of Númenor.
382Birth of Oromendil son of Nolondil in Númenor.
395Birth of Axantur son of Nolondil in Númenor.
442Death of Elros Tar-Minyatur. He is succeeded as King of Númenor by his son Vardamir, who immediately abdicates in favour of his own son Tar-Amandil.
443Vardamir Nólimon was officially held to have ruled Númenor in this year, though in fact he had passed the Sceptre directly to his son Tar-Amandil.
451Birth of Vëantur, later to become a great explorer and adventurer of Númenor.
471Death of Vardamir Nólimon, accounted the second King of Númenor.
c.500After a long period of secrecy following the War of Wrath, Sauron begins his resurgence in Middle-earth.
512Birth of Caliondo, son of Eärendur of the House of Elros.
521Birth of Silmariën, daughter and eldest child of King Tar-Elendil of Númenor.
532Birth of Isilmë, second daughter of King Tar-Elendil of Númenor.
543Birth of Meneldur, son of Tar-Elendil of Númenor and later to succeed as King Tar-Meneldur.
551Birth of Lindissë, daughter and eldest child of Axantur of the House of Elros.
562Birth of Ardamir, second child of Axantur of Númenor.
575Birth of Cemendur, youngest child of Axantur of Númenor.
590Tar-Amandil surrenders the Sceptre of Númenor. He is succeeded by his son, who becomes King Tar-Elendil.
600Vëantur becomes the first Númenórean to make the journey back to Middle-earth.
601Vëantur makes his return to Númenor from Middle-earth.
603Death of Tar-Amandil, former King of Númenor.
630Birth of Valandil, later to become the first Lord of Andúnië.
670Birth of Malantur son of Caliondo, a descendant of the royal line of Númenor.
700Birth of Írildë, daughter of Cemendur of Hyarastorni.
Birth of Anardil, later to become King Tar-Aldarion of Númenor.
c.700From about this time the Drúedain of Númenor begin to migrate back to Middle-earth.
711Birth of Hallatan of Hyarastorni in Númenor.
712Birth of Ailinel, second child and eldest daughter of Tar-Meneldur of Númenor.
725Vëantur takes Aldarion on his first sea voyage, from Númenor to Middle-earth aboard Númerrámar.
727Vëantur returns to Númenor from his last, and Aldarion's first, voyage to Middle-earth.
729Birth of Almiel, youngest daughter of Tar-Meneldur of Númenor.
c.730Second voyage of Aldarion to Middle-earth.
739Aldarion returns to Númenor from his second voyage to Middle-earth aboard the vessel Númerrámar.
740Tar-Elendil surrenders the Sceptre of Númenor. He is succeeded by his son, who becomes King Tar-Meneldur.
750Foundation of the Guild of Venturers by Aldarion.
Foundation of Eregion.
751Death of Tar-Elendil of Númenor.
771Birth of Erendis.
799Birth of Soronto, son of Orchaldor and grandson to Tar-Meneldur of Númenor.
800Aldarion is officially made King's Heir of Númenor by his father Tar-Meneldur.
806Aldarion the King's Heir of Númenor embarks on a seven-year voyage to Middle-earth,, during which he will found Vinyalondë at the mouth of Gwathló.
813Aldarion returns from his seven-year voyage to Middle-earth. He begins the building of the great vessel Palarran.
816Aldarion sets out from Númenor on the first voyage of the Palarran.
829Tar-Meneldur rescinds the title of Lord of the Ships and Havens of Númenor from his son Aldarion.
840Birth of Nessanië, daughter of Hallatan, in Númenor.
843Aldarion returns to Númenor aboard the Palarran after a fourteen-year voyage to Middle-earth.
850Aldarion sails Eämbar around Númenor to celebrate the centenary of its making.
852Birth of Hallacar son of Hallatan in Númenor.
858Aldarion and Erendis become betrothed, and King Tar-Meneldur marks the occasion with the gift of a White House in Emerië.
869Return of the Palarran to Númenor from its fourth voyage to Middle-earth.
870Wedding of Aldarion and Erendis.
873Birth of Ancalimë, daughter of Aldarion and Erendis, later Queen of Númenor.
875Work begins in Rómenna on the building of the ship Hirilondë.
877Spring Aldarion's flagship Hirilondë is launched.
882Aldarion returns to Númenor after a five-year voyage aboard the Hirilondë; he becomes estranged from his wife Erendis.
883Tar-Meneldur surrenders the Sceptre of Númenor. He is succeeded by his son, who becomes King Tar-Aldarion.
Tar-Aldarion, newly crowned King of Númenor, sets out for Middle-earth aboard his great ship Hirilondë.
892Tar-Aldarion pronounces his daughter Ancalimë as the formal King's Heir of Númenor.
900Death of Caliondo.
942Death of Tar-Meneldur of Númenor.
985Death of Erendis, apparently by drowning.
1000Ancalimë, daughter of King Tar-Aldarion of Númenor, weds Hallacar of Hyarastorni.
c.1000Sauron settles in the land of Mordor and begins the building of Barad-dûr.
1003Birth of Anárion son of Ancalimë, later to rule Númenor as Tar-Anárion.
1075Tar-Aldarion surrenders the Sceptre of Númenor. He is succeeded by his daughter, who becomes the first Ruling Queen, Tar-Ancalimë.
1098Death of Tar-Aldarion of Númenor, twenty-three years after surrendering the Sceptre.
1174Birth of Surion son of Tar-Anárion, later to rule Númenor as Tar-Surion.
c.1200Sauron travels in person to Eregion, to teach the Jewel-smiths there in the form of Annatar, the so-called Lord of Gifts.
1211Death of Hallacar, consort to Queen Tar-Ancalimë of Númenor.
1280Tar-Anárion succeeds his mother Tar-Ancalimë to become King of Númenor.
1285Death of Tar-Ancalimë, former Queen of Númenor.
1320Birth of the eldest daughter of Tar-Súrion, later to rule as Queen Tar-Telperiën.
1394Tar-Anárion surrenders the Sceptre of Númenor. He is succeeded by his son, who becomes King Tar-Súrion.
1404Death of Tar-Anárion of Númenor.
1474Birth of Minastir son of Isilmo, later King Tar-Minastir of Númenor.
c.1500The first of the Rings of Power are made in Eregion.
c.1500About this time Sauron, in the guise of Annatar, departs from Eregion.
1556Tar-Súrion surrenders the Sceptre of Númenor. He is succeeded by his daughter, who becomes Queen Tar-Telperiën.
1574Death of Tar-Surion of Númenor.
c.1590Completion of the Three Rings in Eregion.
c.1600The first building of Barad-dûr is completed.
c.1600Sauron forges the One Ring in Orodruin, and reveals his true purposes to the Elves.
1634Birth of Tar-Ciryatan son of Tar-Minastir, later King of Númenor.
1693War begins between the Elves and Sauron.
1695Sauron leads an invasion into Eriador.
Gil-galad requests aid from Númenor, and a great fleet is sent out.
Elrond is sent out by Gil-galad to aid in the defence of Eregion.
1697The foundation of Rivendell.
Eregion is destroyed by Sauron's forces, and Celebrimbor slain.
1699Sauron's forces gain control of Eriador.
1700Ciryatur brings a Númenórean fleet to Middle-earth, and drives back Sauron's invading forces.
1701Sauron's forces are overwhelmed by the Númenóreans, and Sauron himself is driven back to Mordor.
1731Queen Tar-Telperiën surrenders the Sceptre, and Tar-Minastir becomes King of Númenor. The old Queen dies later in the same year.
1800Birth of Atanamir son of Tar-Ciryatan, later King Tar-Atanamir the Great of Númenor.
c.1800The Númenóreans begin to colonise and exploit Middle-earth.
1869Tar-Minastir surrenders the Sceptre of Númenor. He is succeeded by his son Tar-Ciryatan.
1873Death of Tar-Minastir, formerly King of Númenor.
1986Birth of Tar-Atanamir's heir, later King Tar-Ancalimon.
2029Tar-Ciryatan surrenders the Sceptre of Númenor. He is succeeded by his son, who becomes King Tar-Atanamir.
2035Death of Tar-Ciryatan of Númenor.
2136Birth of Tar-Telemmaitë son of Tar-Ancalimon, later King of Númenor.
c.2250First appearance of the Nazgûl.
2251Death of King Tar-Atanamir the Great of Númenor. He is succeeded by his son, who becomes King Tar-Ancalimon.
Political divisions begin to emerge in Númenor
2277Birth of Tar-Vanimeldë daughter of Tar-Telemmaitë.
2280The Haven of Umbar is first fortified by the Númenóreans.
2286Birth of Herucalmo, later consort to Queen Tar-Vanimelde.
2350Pelargir is founded.
2386Death of Tar-Ancalimon. He is succeeded by Tar-Telemmaitë.
2406Birth of Alcarin, later King Tar-Alcarin of Númenor.
2516Birth of Calmacil son of Tar-Alcarin, later King Tar-Calmacil of Númenor.
2526Death of Tar-Telemmaitë. He is succeeded by his daughter, who becomes the third and last of the Ruling Queens, Tar-Vanimeldë.
2618Birth of Tar-Ardamin, later King of Númenor.
2630Birth of Gimilzagar, second son of Tar-Calmacil of Númenor.
2637Death of Queen Tar-Vanimeldë of Númenor. Her true Heir is her son Alcarin, but the Sceptre is seized by her husband Herucalmo, who takes the name Tar-Anducal.
2657Death of the false King Tar-Anducal of Númenor. He is legitimately succeeded by his son, who becomes King Tar-Alcarin.
2709Birth of Adûnakhôr, later to rule Númenor as King Ar-Adûnakhôr.
2737Death of Tar-Alcarin. He is succeeded as King of Númenor by Tar-Calmacil.
2798Birth of Ar-Zimrathôn son of Ar-Adûnakhôr, later King of Númenor.
2825Death of King Tar-Calmacil of Númenor. There is some confusion over the succession, but he appears to have been succeeded by his son, who became King Tar-Ardamin.
2876Birth of Ar-Sakalthôr son of Ar-Zimrathôn, later King of Númenor.
2899Ar-Adûnakhôr becomes King of Númenor on the death of his father Tar-Ardamin.
2960Birth of Ar-Gimilzôr, later King of Númenor.
2962Death of Ar-Adûnakhôr. He is succeeded as King of Númenor by his son, who rules as Ar-Zimrathôn.
c.3029Approximate year of the birth of Amandil.
3033Death of Ar-Zimrathôn. He is succeeded as King of Númenor by his son, who rules as Ar-Sakalthôr.
3035Birth of Inziladûn son of Ar-Gimilzôr, who would later rule Númenor under the name Tar-Palantir.
3044Birth of Gimilkhâd, younger son of Ar-Gimilzôr.
3102Death of Ar-Sakalthôr. He is succeeded as King of Númenor by his son, who rules as Ar-Gimilzôr.
3117Birth of Míriel, daughter and heir to Tar-Palantir, later known as Tar-Míriel or Ar-Zimraphel.
3118Birth of Pharazôn, later Ar-Pharazôn, King of Númenor.
3119Probable date of the birth of Elendil.
3177Death of Ar-Gimilzôr. He is succeeded as King of Númenor by his son, who rules as Tar-Palantir.
3209Probable date of the birth of Isildur.
3219Probable date of the birth of Anárion.
3243Death of Gimilkhâd, father of Pharazôn.
3255Death of Tar-Palantir. Ar-Pharazôn usurps the throne to become the last King of Númenor.
3261Ar-Pharazôn sails to Middle-earth.
3262Sauron submits himself to Ar-Pharazôn as a prisoner, and is taken back to Númenor. There, he begins to corrupt the Númenóreans.
c.3290Sauron destroys Nimloth, the White Tree of Númenor.
3299Probable date of the birth of Meneldil.
Birth of Elendur, eldest son of Isildur.
3310Convinced by Sauron to attack Aman, Ar-Pharazôn begins building his Great Armament.
3316Amandil abandons Númenor and sails into the West to seek the aid of the Valar.
3319Ar-Pharazôn sails into the West to assail the Valar. The Downfall of Númenor.

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