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The Chronicle of Arda

Welcome to The Chronicle of Arda. This section of the site provides automated annals for all four Ages of the Sun and Moon. For any period of Arda's history, the Chronicle will display the events that happened in that time. Events and characters are entered into the Chronicle as they are added to the main database: like the rest of The Encyclopedia of Arda this section of the site is expanding all the time.

You can have the Chronicle look up events for specific dates by entering one or two years in the form below. If you enter two dates, the Chronicle will display events that happened between those two years. If you leave one of the dates blank, the Chronicle will display events in the century around the single year you specify.

For years after III 1601 (the year of the foundation of Shire, and therefore Shire Year 1), the Chronicle will also show years by the Shire-reckoning in a second column.

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III 1981 to III 3021
(a period of 1,040 years)

 • 6,011 years after the Return of the Noldor
 • 2,103 years after the Downfall of Númenor
 • Contemporary with the War of the Ring

Galadriel's Rule as Lady of the Galadhrim

The Third Age

1981381Náin I is slain. The last remaining Dwarves flee from Durin's Bane in Khazad-dûm.
Loss of Amroth.
1982382Loss of Nimrodel.
1998398Death of Pelendur. He is succeeded as Steward to Eärnil II by his son Vorondil.
1999399After years of wandering, the exiles of Khazad-dûm found Erebor.
Probable date of the birth of Eradan son of Mardil, later Ruling Steward of Gondor.
2000400The Nazgûl emerge from Mordor and assault Minas Ithil.
c.2000400Approximate date of the slaying of Scatha the Worm by Fram of the Éothéod.
2002402Capture of Minas Ithil by the Nazgûl. It is renamed Minas Morgul, and Minas Anor is also renamed Minas Tirth, the Tower of Guard.
2004404Birth of Galador son of Imrazôr, later to become the first Lord of Dol Amroth.
2012412Probable date of the birth of Arahael son of Aranarth, later Chieftain of the Dúnedain.
2029429Death of Vorondil the Hunter. He is succeeded as Steward to Eärnil II by his son Mardil.
2035435Birth of Thorin, son and heir of King Thráin I of Erebor.
2037437Probable date of the birth of Herion son of Eradan, later Ruling Steward of Gondor.
2043443Death of Eärnil II. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son Eärnur.
2050450Eärnur, the last King of Gondor, is lost. The Stewards now rule in the King's name.
2059459Two days are added to the year by Steward Mardil in preparation for his new calendar, the Stewards' Reckoning
2060460The inception of the Revised Calendar of Mardil Voronwë, known as the Stewards' Reckoning.
2063463Beginning to suspect that the power in Dol Guldur may be Sauron, Gandalf goes there. Sauron withdraws into the east, and the time known as the Watchful Peace begins.
2074474Probable date of the birth of Belegorn son of Herion, later Ruling Steward of Gondor.
2076476Death of Imrazôr the Númenórean. His son Galador becomes the first Prince of Dol Amroth.
2080480Death of Mardil the first Ruling Steward. He is succeeded by his son Eradan.
2084484Probable date of the birth of Aranuir son of Arahael, later Chieftain of the Dúnedain.
c.2100500The first entries are made in the Yearbook of Tuckborough, the historical record that will later become known as Yellowskin.
2106506Death of Aranarth. He is succeeded as Chieftain of the Dúnedain by his son Arahael.
2116516Death of Steward Eradan. He is succeeded by his son, Herion.
2124524Probable date of the birth of Húrin I, later Steward of Gondor.
2129529Death of Galador, the first Lord of Dol Amroth.
2136536Birth of Glóin, later King in the Grey Mountains.
2148548Death of Steward Herion of Gondor. He is succeeded by his son, Belegorn.
2156556Probable date of the birth of Aravir son of Aranuir, later Chieftain of the Dúnedain.
2165565Probable date of the birth of Túrin I, later Steward of Gondor.
2177577Death of Arahael. He is succeeded as Chieftain of the Dúnedain by his son Aranuir.
2190590Death of Thráin I, founder of Erebor. He is succeeded by his son Thorin I.
2204604Death of Steward Belegorn. He is succeeded by his son, known to history as Húrin I.
2210610The Dwarves of Durin's Folk leave Erebor and settle in the Grey Mountains.
2227627Probable date of the birth of Aragorn son of Aravir, later Chieftain Aragorn I of the Dúnedain.
2238638Birth of Óin, later King in the Grey Mountains.
2244644Death of Steward Húrin I. He is succeeded by his son, who becomes Túrin I.
2245645Likely date of birth of Hador son of Túrin I, later Steward of Gondor.
2247647Death of Aranuir. He is succeeded as Chieftain of the Dúnedain by his son Aravir.
2278678Death of Steward Túrin I. He is succeeded by his son Hador.
2289689Death of King Thorin I of Durin's Folk. He is succeeded by his son, Glóin.
2290690Probable date of the birth of Barahir son of Hador, later Steward of Gondor.
2296696Probable date of the birth of Araglas, later Chieftain of the Dúnedain.
2319719Death of Chieftain Aravir of the Dúnedain. He is succeeded by his son, who becomes Aragorn I.
2327727Aragorn I is slain by wolves. He is succeeded as Chieftain of the Dúnedain by his son Araglas.
2328728Probable date of the birth of Dior son of Barahir, later Ruling Steward of Gondor.
2338738Birth of Náin, later King Náin II, in the Grey Mountains.
2340740Isumbras I is the first Took to be Thain of the Shire.
Founding of Buckland by Gorhendad Oldbuck.
2360760Steward Hador adjusts the calendar of the Stewards' Reckoning by adding an extra day to the year.
2365765Probable date of the birth of Arahad son of Araglas, later Chieftain Arahad I of the Dúnedain.
2375775Probable date of the birth of Denethor grandson of Barahir, later Ruling Steward Denethor I of Gondor.
2385785Death of King Glóin of Durin's Folk. He is succeeded by his son, Óin.
2395795Death of Steward Hador. He is succeeded by his son Barahir.
2410810Probable date of the birth of Boromir son of Denethor I, later Ruling Steward of Gondor.
2412812Death of Steward Barahir. He is succeeded by his son Dior.
2431831Likely date of birth of Aragost son of Arahad I, later Chieftain of the Dúnedain.
2435835Death of Steward Dior of Gondor. He dies childless and so is succeed by his nephew, who becomes Denethor I.
2440840Birth of Dáin son of Náin II, later King Dáin I of Durin's Folk.
c.2440840Estimated birth date of Sméagol, later called Gollum.
2449849Probable date of the birth of Cirion son of Boromir, later Ruling Steward of Gondor.
2450850Birth of Borin, second son of King Náin II of Durin's Folk.
2455855Death of Araglas. He is succeeded as Chieftain of the Dúnedain by his son Arahad I.
2459859Birth of Léod of the Éothéod.
2460860The Watchful Peace comes to an end with Sauron's return out of the east.
2463863Formation of the Council of the Wise.
c.2463863Déagol discovers the One Ring. Sméagol murders him and takes it for himself.
c.2470870Driven out by his people, Sméagol (or Gollum) flees into hiding in the Misty Mountains.
2475875Mordor launches a sudden attack on Osgiliath, finally ruining the long-decaying city and breaking its bridge.
2477877Death of Steward Denethor I. He is succeeded by his son Boromir.
2480880Birth of Hallas son of Cirion, later Steward of Gondor.
c.2480880Sauron sends Orcs and Trolls to infest the Misty Mountains and cut off their passes, and to occupy the ruins of Moria.
2485885Birth of Eorl son of Léod, later to become the first King of Rohan.
2488888Death of King Óin of Durin's Folk. He is succeeded by his son, Náin.
2489889Death of Steward Boromir. He is succeeded by his son Cirion.
c.2497897Birth of Aravorn, later Chieftain of the Dúnedain.
2501901Léod is thrown by the horse Felaróf and dies. Eorl the Young becomes Lord of the Éothéod.
2509909Celebrían is captured by Orcs, and receives a poisoned wound.
Steward Cirion sends messengers into the north to seek aid from the Éothéod against Gondor's enemies.
2510910Departure of Elrond's spouse Celebrían into the West.
The Rohirrim ride to the aid of Gondor and are victorious in the Battle of the Field of Celebrant. They are given the land of Calenardhon (Rohan) to dwell in, and Eorl the Young becomes its first King.
2512912Birth of Brego son of Eorl.
2515915Likely date of birth of Húrin son of Hallas, who later ruled Gondor as Steward Húrin II.
2523923Death of Arahad I. He is succeeded as Chieftain of the Dúnedain by his son Aragost.
2542942Birth of Thrór, later King under the Mountain.
2544944Birth of Aldor son of Brego, later to be King of Rohan.
2545945Likely date of the birth of Belecthor son of Húrin II, later Ruling Steward Belecthor I of Gondor.
Eorl of Rohan is slain in battle. He is succeed as King by his son Brego.
2552952Birth of Frór, second son of Dáin I of Durin's Folk.
2560960Birth of Farin son of Borin.
2563963Probable date of the birth of Arahad son of Aravorn, later Chieftain Arahad II of the Dúnedain.
Birth of Grór, third son of Dáin I, in the Grey Mountains.
2567967Death of Steward Cirion. He is succeeded by his son Hallas.
2569969Meduseld, the Golden Hall of Edoras, is completed by King Brego. At the feast of celebration, Brego's son Baldor vows to enter the Paths of the Dead. He sets out for the Dwimorberg and is lost.
2570970Death of King Brego of Rohan, from grief at the loss of his son Baldor in the Paths of the Dead. He is succeeded by Baldor's brother Aldor.
Birth of Fréa son of Aldor, later to become King of Rohan.
2576976Likely date of the birth of Orodreth son of Belecthor I, later Ruling Steward of Gondor.
2585985Death of King Náin II of Durin's Folk. He is succeeded by his son, Dáin.
2588988Death of Chieftain Aragost of the Dúnedain. He is succeeded by his son, Aravorn.
2589989Dáin I and his son Frór are slain by a Cold-drake. Dáin is succeeded by his son Thrór.
2590990Grór, the younger brother of King Thrór of Durin's Folk, leads many Dwarves to settle in the Iron Hills east of Erebor.
The Dwarves of Durin's Folk return to Erebor.
2594994Birth of Fréawine, later King of Rohan.
26001000Likely date of the birth of Ecthelion son of Orodreth, later Ruling Steward Ecthelion I of Gondor.
26051005Death of Steward Hallas. He is succeeded by his son, who rules Gondor as Húrin II.
26191019Birth of Goldwine, later King of Rohan.
26201020Birth of Isengrim Took, later to become Thain Isengrim II of the Shire.
26261026Probable date of the birth of Egalmoth, a descendant of Belecthor I, later Ruling Steward of Gondor.
26281028Probable date of the birth of Arassuil son of Arahad, later Chieftain of the Dúnedain.
Death of Steward Húrin II. He is succeeded by his son, Belecthor I.
26441044Birth of Thráin, later King Thráin II of Durin's Folk.
Birth of Déor, later King of Rohan.
26451045Death of King Aldor the Old of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Fréa.
26541054Death of Chieftain Aravorn of the Dúnedain. He is succeeded by his son, who becomes Arahad II.
26551055Likely date of birth of Beren son of Egalmoth, later Ruling Steward of Gondor.
Death of Steward Belecthor I. He is succeeded by his son Orodreth.
26591059Death of King Fréa of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Fréawine.
26621062Birth of Fundin son of Farin.
26651065Birth of Náin son of Grór in the Iron Hills.
26661066Birth of Isumbras Took, later to become Thain Isengrim III of the Shire.
26681068Birth of Gram son of Déor, later to become King of Rohan.
c.26701070Introduction of pipe-weed to the Shire by Tobold Hornblower of Longbottom.
26711071Birth of Gróin son of Farin in Erebor.
26801080Death of King Fréawine of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Goldwine.
26831083Isengrim Took II becomes the tenth Shire-thain of the Took line. The excavation of Great Smials is begun.
26851085Death of Steward Orodreth. He is succeeded by his son, known as Ecthelion I.
26911091Birth of Helm son of Gram, later King Helm Hammerhand of Rohan.
26931093Probable date of the birth of Arathorn I, later Chieftain of the Dúnedain.
26981098Steward Ecthelion I dies, having rebuilt the White Tower in Minas Tirith. Leaving no issue, he is succeeded by Egalmoth, a descendant of Belecthor I.
26991099Death of King Goldwine of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Déor.
27001100Probable date of the birth of Beregond, later Ruling Steward of Gondor.
27011101Birth of Ferumbras, son and heir of Isumbras Took III.
27041104Birth of Bandobras, younger son of Thain Isumbras III, later known as the Bullroarer.
27101110The Dunlendings capture Isengard.
27111111Death of Borin, ancestor of Gimli Elf-friend.
27181118Death of King Déor of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Gram.
27191119Death of Arahad II. He is succeeded as Chieftain of the Dúnedain by his son Arassuil.
27221122Death of Thain Isengrim II of the Shire. He is succeeded by his son Isumbras III.
27251125Approximate date of the birth of Buffo Boffin.
27261126The birth of Fréaláf Hildeson, a nephew of Helm who will eventually become his successor.
27311131Birth of Gundolpho Bolger, probably at Budgeford in the Eastfarthing of the Shire.
27341134Birth of Gormadoc Brandybuck, later to become Master of Buckland.
27401140Orcs attack Eriador for the first time in many years.
27411141Death of King Gram of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Helm.
27431143Death of Steward Egalmoth. He is succeeded by his son, Beren.
27451145Orcs out of the Misty Mountains start their fiercest attacks on Eriador.
Birth of Fortinbras, son and heir of Thain Ferumbras Took II.
27461146Birth of Thorin, later called Oakenshield, son of King Thráin II.
27471147The Battle of Greenfields is fought in the Northfarthing of the Shire.
27481148The worst of the Orc-battles of Eriador come to an end.
27511151Birth of Frerin, second son of King Thráin II.
27521152Birth of Brytta son of Fréaláf Hildeson, later King Brytta Léofa of Rohan.
Likely date of birth of Belecthor son of Beregond, who later ruled Gondor as Steward Belecthor II.
27541154King Helm of Rohan slays his rebellious vassal Freca outside Edoras.
27571157Birth of Argonui son of Arathorn I, later Chieftain of the Dúnedain.
27581158Rohan is overrun by the Dunlendings and their allies.
November The Long Winter descends on Middle-earth.
27591159Death of King Helm of Rohan. Both of Helm's sons also died in the Long Winter of this year, and so he was succeeded by his nephew Fréaláf.
Death of Thain Isumbras III of the Shire. He is succeeded by his son Ferumbras II.
Saruman is given the Keys of Orthanc by Steward Beren.
March The Long Winter draws to an end.
27601160Birth of Hamfast of Gamwich, an early ancestor of the Gamgees.
Birth of Dís, young sister to Thorin Oakenshield.
The Days of Dearth following the Long Winter come to an end.
27631163Death of Steward Beren. He is succeeded by his son, Beregond.
Birth of Balin son of Fundin.
27671167Birth of Bosco Boffin, son of Buffo Boffin and Ivy Goodenough.
Birth of Balbo Baggins, the oldest known member of the Baggins famly.
Birth of Dáin son of Náin, who later ruled Erebor as King Dáin II Ironfoot.
27691169Birth of Basso Boffin, son of Buffo Boffin, in the Shire.
27701170Smaug descends on Erebor, destroying it and the neighbouring town of Dale.
Birth of Briffo Boffin.
27721172Birth of Dwalin.
Birth of Berylla, daughter of Buffo Boffin and Ivy Goodenough.
27741174Birth of Gundahar, eldest son of Gundolpho Bolger.
Birth of Óin son of Gróin.
27751175Birth of Madoc, son of Gormadoc Brandybuck, and later Master of Buckland.
27781178Birth of Rudolph, second son of Gundolpho Bolger and Alfrida of the Yale.
27791179Birth of Sadoc, second son of Gormadoc Brandybuck.
27801180Birth of Walda son of Brytta, later King of Rohan.
Birth of Gundahad, third and youngest son of Gundolpho Bolger and Alfrida of the Yale.
27821182Likely date of birth of Marroc, third son of Master Gormadoc Brandybuck.
Probable date of the birth of Thorondir, later Ruling Steward of Gondor.
27831183Birth of Glóin son of Gróin.
27841184Death of Arassuil. He is succeeded as Chieftain of the Dúnedain by his son Arathorn I.
27881188Birth of the raven Roäc son of Carc.
27901190Birth of Gerontius Took, who will live for one hundred and thirty years, and become known as the Old Took.
Thrór is slain in Moria by Azog. His son Thráin succeeds as King of Durin's Folk.
27931193To avenge his father's death, Thráin II leads the Dwarves against the Orcs: the War of the Dwarves and Orcs begins.
27951195Basso Boffin disappears from the Shire, and is said to have gone to Sea.
27981198Death of King Fréaláf of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Brytta.
27991199The Battle of Azanulbizar. The War of the Dwarves and Orcs ends with the death of Azog.
28001200Birth of Wiseman, son of Hamfast of Gamwich.
Orcs from the north begin to trouble the Rohirrim
28011201Death of Thain Ferumbras II of the Shire. He is succeeded by his son Fortinbras I.
28021202Dwarves led by Thráin II and Thorin Oakenshield settle in the Blue Mountains
28031203Death of Farin.
28041204Birth of Folca son of Walda, later King of the Mark.
28051205Death of Grór of Durin's Folk. He is succeeded as ruler of the Iron Hills by his grandson Dáin Ironfoot.
28061206Death of Bandobras Took, known as the Bullroarer.
28071207Birth of Laura Grubb, the earliest recorded member of the Grubb family.
Birth of Mungo, eldest child of Balbo Baggins and Berylla Boffin.
28101210Birth of Fastolph Bolger, son of Rudolph Bolger.
Briffo Boffin departs from the Shire and removes to Bree.
Birth of Holman the greenhanded, ancestor of the Gamgees and the Cottons.
28111211Death of Steward Beregond. He is succeeded by his son, who rules as Belecthor II.
28121212Birth of Pansy, daughter of Balbo Baggins and Berylla Boffin.
Birth of Otto, son of Bosco Boffin and later head of the Boffin family.
28141214Birth of Laura Grubb.
28151215Birth of Adalgar, son of Gundahar Bolger and Dina Diggle.
Approximate date Buffo Boffin's death.
Probable date of the birth of Túrin II, later Ruling Steward of Gondor.
28161216Birth of Ponto Baggins, son of Balbo Baggins and Berylla Boffin.
28171217Birth of Marmadoc, eldest son and heir of Master Madoc Brandybuck of Buckland.
28181218Birth of Adaldrida, daughter of Gundahar Bolger and Dina Diggle.
28201220Birth of Largo Baggins
Probable date of the birth of Arador, later Chieftain of the Dúnedain.
28221222Birth of Gundabald Bolger.
Birth of Lily, youngest child of Balbo Baggins and Berylla Boffin.
28261226Birth of Salvia Brandybuck, daughter of Sadoc Brandybuck.
28271227Birth of Aglahad of Dol Amroth, great-grandfather of Prince Imrahil.
28301230Birth of Folcwine son of Folca, later King of the Mark.
Death of Gundolpho Bolger, patriarch of the Bolger family.
28321232Birth of Isengrim, eldest son of Gerontius Took, later Thain Isengrim III
28361236Death of Gormadoc Brandybuck. He is succeeded as Master of Buckland by his son Madoc.
28381238Birth of Isumbras, third child of Gerontius Took, who would later become Thain Isumbras IV.
28401240Birth of Hildigrim, fourth child of Gerontius the Old Took.
28411241Thráin II sets out from the Blue Mountains, seeking to return to Erebor.
28421242Birth of Isembold, the fifth child of Gerontius the Old Took.
Death of King Brytta of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Walda.
28441244Birth of Hildifons Took.
28451245Thráin is captured by Sauron, who thus recovers the last of the Seven Rings of the Dwarves. Unaware of his father's fate, Thráin's son Thorin becomes King of Durin's Folk.
28461246Birth of Bungo Baggins.
Birth of Hob Gammidge.
28471247Birth of Isembard, seventh child of the Old Took.
28481248Death of Arathorn I. He is succeeded as Chieftain of the Dúnedain by his son Argonui.
Death of Thain Fortinbras I of the Shire. He is succeeded by his son Gerontius, who becomes famous as the Old Took.
28491249Birth of Hildibrand, eighth child of the Old Took.
Birth of Rowan, daughter of Holman the greenhanded
28501250Gandalf enters Dol Guldur once again and discovers Thráin II imprisoned there. Thráin dies soon afterwards, but not before giving Gandalf a map and key.
28511251Halfred Greenhand is born in the Shire.
King Walda of Rohan is attacked by Orcs near Dunharrow and slain. He is succeeded by his son Folca.
The White Council discover proof that the Necromancer of Dol Guldur is Sauron returned. Gandalf urges an immediate attack, but Saruman rejects this.
28521252Birth of Belladonna Took, the mother of Bilbo Baggins.
28541254Birth of Hugo Boffin, eldest son of Otto Boffin.
Birth of Erling, son of Holman the Greenhanded.
28551255Probable date of birth of Turgon son of Túrin II, later Ruling Steward of Gondor.
Birth of Rudigar son of Adalgar Bolger.
28561256Birth of Donnamira Took.
Birth of Belba Baggins.
Birth of Rosa Baggins.
28571257Birth of Uffo Boffin, second son of Otto the Fat.
28581258Death of Bosco Boffin.
Probable date of the death of Balbo Baggins, earliest known head of the Baggins family.
Birth of Folcred and Fastred, twin sons of Folcwine of Rohan.
28591259Birth of Hending, son of Holman the greenhanded.
Birth of Thorin's nephew Fíli.
28601260Birth of Rudibert, second son of Adalgar Bolger.
Birth of Mirabella, the youngest daughter of the Old Took.
Birth of Longo, third child of Mungo Baggins and Laura Grubb.
Birth of Rollo Boffin, third son of Otto Boffin the Fat.
Birth of Gorbadoc, son of Marmadoc Brandybuck and later Master of Buckland.
Birth of Cotman, grandfather of Farmer Tolman Cotton.
28611261Birth of Theobald Bolger, son of Gundabald Bolger and Salvia Brandybuck.
28621262Birth of Linda, fourth child of Mungo Baggins and Laura Grubb.
Birth of Isengar Took, youngest child of the Old Took.
Birth of Rose, daiughter of Holman the greenhanded.
28631263Birth of Carl, the younger brother of Cotman.
28641264Birth of Bingo Baggins.
Ruby Bolger is born in the Shire.
King Folca of Rohan dies after being wounded by the Boar of Everholt. He is succeeded by his son Folcwine.
Birth of Fosco Baggins.
Birth of Kíli, nephew of Thorin Oakenshield and later part of his Company on the Quest of Erebor.
28651265Birth of Primrose Boffin, later mother to Lobelia Bracegirdle (or Lobelia Sackville-Baggins).
28661266Birth of Thorin son of Dáin Ironfoot, who would later rule as King Thorin III Stonehelm in Erebor.
Likely date of the birth of Angelimir, later Prince of Dol Amroth.
28681268Birth of Orgulas Brandybuck, youngest child of Master Marmadoc the Masterful.
28701270Birth of Fengel, youngest son of Folcwine of Rohan, but destined to succeed his father as King.
28721272Steward Belecthor II of Gondor dies, and is succeeded by his son Thorondir. The second White Tree of Minas Tirith also dies at this time, and is left standing as the Dead Tree.
28731273Date of the birth of Arathorn II, later Chieftain of the Dúnedain and father to Aragorn.
28751275Gundahar Bolger dies, and is likely succeeded as head of the Bolger family by his son Adalgar.
28771277Death of Madoc Brandybuck. He is succeeded as Master of Buckland by his son Marmadoc.
28781278Birth of Fortinbras son of Isumbras Took IV, later Thain Fortinbras II.
28791279Birth of Gimli, later called Elf-friend.
28801280Birth of Adalgrim, son of Hildigrim Took and Rosa Baggins.
28821282Death of Steward Thorondir. He is succeeded by his son, who rules as Túrin II.
28831283Birth of Lalia Clayhanger, later matriarch of the Took family.
28851285Birth of Hobson, also called Roper Gamgee.
Gondor and Rohan defeat a force of Haradrim at the Crossings of Poros. Folcred and Fastred of Rohan both fall in the battle.
28861286Probable date of the birth of Ecthelion son of Turgon, later Steward Ecthelion II of Gondor.
28871287Birth of Flambard, son of Isembard Took.
28901290Birth of Sigismond, only recorded child of Hildibrand Took.
22 September Birth of Bilbo Baggins in the Shire.
c.28901290Very approximate date of the construction of Bag End.
28921292Birth of Holman Greenhand.
28941294Birth of Jago, son of Hugo Boffin and Donnamira Took.
28951295Birth of Herugar, son of Rudigar Bolger.
28991299Probable date of accession of Aglahad, nineteenth Prince of Dol Amroth and great-great-grandfather to Imrahil.
29001300Death of Mungo Baggins, Bilbo's paternal grandfather.
Death of Otto Boffin.
Birth of Gruffo Boffin.
c.29001300Approximate date of the refortification of Cair Andros by Steward Túrin II.
29011301Birth of Adalbert, son of Rudigar Bolger and Amethyst Hornblower.
Uruk-hai out of Mordor attack Ithilien, driving out all but a few of its inhabitants. Henneth Annûn is built by the Gondorians.
29021302Birth of Holman son of Cotman, the first Hobbit to bear the surname 'Cotton'.
Birth of Rorimac Brandybuck, future Master of Buckland, and of Posco Baggins.
Birth of Dora Baggins.
29031303Birth of Falco Chubb-Baggins in the Shire.
Death of King Folcwine of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Fengel.
29041304Birth of Gerda Boffin.
Birth of Odo Proudfoot.
Birth of Wilibald, son of Theobald Bolger and Nina Lightfoot.
Birth of Amaranth, daughter of Master Gorbadoc Brandybuck.
29051305Birth of Thengel son of Fengel, later King of Rohan.
29061306Birth of Prisca, daughter of Polo Baggins.
29071307Birth of Gilraen, who would become the mother of Aragorn.
29081308Birth of Drogo Baggins, later to become the father of Frodo Baggins.
Birth of Saradas, the third child of Gorbadoc Brandybuck.
Birth of Gorbulas, son of Orgulas Brandybuck.
29101310Birth of Otho Sackville-Baggins.
Death of Marmadoc Brandybuck. He is succeeded as Master of Buckland by his son Gorbadoc.
29111311The year of the Fell Winter. White Wolves invade the Shire.
Birth of Dudo Baggins, younger brother of Frodo's father Drogo.
Death of the elder Ponto Baggins.
c.29111311Estimated date of birth of Bard the Bowman.
29121312Death of Lily Baggins.
Death of Largo Baggins.
The melting snows of the Fell Winter cause disastrous flooding. Tharbad on the Gwathló is ruined and its bridge is broken.
Death of Argonui. He is succeeded as Chieftain of the Dúnedain by his son Arador.
29131313Birth of Asphodel Brandybuck, daughter of Gorbadoc Brandybuck and Mirabella Took.
Birth of Bruno Bracegirdle, elder brother of Lobelia Sackville-Baggins.
29141314Death of Adalgar Bolger.
Death of Steward Túrin II. He is succeeded by his son, Turgon.
29161316Likely date of birth of Dinodas Brandybuck, youngest son of Gorbadoc Brandybuck.
On the death of his mother Laura Baggins (née Grubb), Bungo Baggins becomes head of the Baggins family.
Birth of Ferumbras Took, later Thain Ferumbras III of the Shire.
29171317Apparent date of birth of Adrahil son of Angelimir, later Prince of Dol Amroth.
29181318Birth of Lobelia Bracegirdle, better known by her married name of Lobelia Sackville-Baggins.
29201320Birth of Primula Brandybuck, youngest child of Master Gorbadoc of Brandy Hall.
Death of Thain Gerontius, the Old Took. He is succeeded by his son Isengrim III.
29221322Birth of Morwen Steelsheen, later queen to King Thengel of Rohan.
29231323Death of Gróin of Durin's Folk.
Birth of Andwise Roper, eldest brother of Hamfast Gamgee.
29261326Birth of Hamfast Gamgee, the 'Gaffer', father of Sam Gamgee.
Death of Bungo Baggins, father of Bilbo Baggins.
29281328Birth of Adelard, son of Flambard Took.
29291329Marriage of Arathorn and Gilraen, the parents of Aragorn.
29301330Birth of Denethor in Minas Tirith, later to become Steward Denethor II.
Death of Thain Isengrim III of the Shire. He is succeeded by his brother Isumbras IV.
Arador is slain by hill-trolls. He is succeeded as Chieftain of the Dúnedain by his son Arathorn II.
293113311 March Birth of Aragorn II Elessar.
29321332Birth of Halfred of Overhill, youngest child of Roper Gamgee.
Likely date of accession of Imrahil's grandfather, Angelimir, the twentieth Prince of Dol Amroth.
29331333Birth of Paladin Took, later Thain Paladin II and father to Peregrin Took.
Death of Aragorn's father Arathorn II. Aragorn is fostered by Elrond at Rivendell under the name Estel.
29341334Death of Belladonna Took, mother of Bilbo Baggins.
Death of Hildibrand Took.
29361336Birth of Esmeralda, the youngest child of Adalgrim Took.
Birth of Odovacar Bolger.
29371337Birth of Vigo, son of Jago Boffin.
29381338Birth of Rosamunda, daughter and eldest child of Sigismond Took.
29391339Death of Thain Isumbras IV of the Shire. He is succeeded by his son Fortinbras II.
29401340Birth of Ferdinand, son of Sigismond Took.
Birth of Saradoc Brandybuck, later Master of Buckland and father of Meriadoc Brandybuck
29411341Death of Hildigrim Took.
Birth of Tolman Cotton the elder.
15 March Gandalf and Thorin encounter one another at Bree, and begin to plan the recovery of Erebor.
25 April Gandalf briefly visits Bilbo Baggins at Bag End.
26 April Thorin and Company come to Bag End with Gandalf, and the planning of the Quest of Erebor begins.
27 April Gandalf, Bilbo Baggins and the Dwarves set out from Bag End on the Quest of Erebor.
May Bilbo and the Dwarves encounter three trolls, and narrowly escape being eaten.
Midyear's Day Bilbo Baggins and the Dwarves set out from Rivendell on their journey to the Lonely Mountain.
July Bilbo Baggins comes across the One Ring beneath the Misty Mountains.
Expulsion of the Necromancer from Dol Guldur by the White Council.
Bard the Bowman slays the Dragon Smaug.
October The Battle of Five Armies. Thorin Oakenshield is slain, and his cousin Dáin Ironfoot becomes King of Durin's Folk.
c.29411341A young Hamfast Gamgee becomes apprenticed to the gardener Holman Greenhand.
29421342Return of Sauron to Mordor.
Birth of Filibert, son of Adalbert Bolger and Gerda Boffin.
Birth of Merimac, younger son of Master Rorimac Brandybuck.
22 June Return of Bilbo Baggins to Bag End in the Shire.
29431343Birth of Marmadas Brandybuck, son of Gorbulas Brandybuck
29441344Gollum sets out from the Misty Mountains in search of his lost Precious.
Bard completes the rebuilding of Dale, and is made its King.
Birth of Poppy Chubb-Baggins.
29451345Death of Hugo Boffin.
29461346Birth of Wilcome 'Will' Cotton, second son of Holman Cotton of Bywater.
Birth of Olo, son of Odo Proudfoot.
Death of Isembold Took, fifth child of the Old Took.
Birth of Griffo Boffin, son of Gruffo Boffin.
Birth of Ponto, eldest son of Posco Baggins and Gilly Brownlock.
29471347Birth of Wilimar Bolger, son of Wilibald Bolger and Prisca Baggins.
Birth of Milo Burrows, son of Rufus Burrows and Asphodel Brandybuck.
Death of Isembard Took, seventh child of the Old Took.
29481348Birth of Seredic, son of Saradas Brandybuck.
Death of Donnamira Took, daughter of Gerontius the Old Took.
Birth of Théoden, later King of Rohan
Death of Rudigar Bolger.
Birth of Porto, second son of Posco Baggins and Gilly Brownlock.
29491349Bilbo Baggins is visited in the Shire by Gandalf and Balin.
29501350Death of Longo Baggins.
Birth of Finduilas, the daughter of Adrahil, later to become the mother of Boromir and Faramir.
Birth of Peony Baggins.
Birth of Hugo Bracegirdle.
Birth of Daisy, daughter of Dudo Baggins.
29511351Birth of Heribald Bolger, son of Wilibald Bolger and Prisca Baggins.
Elrond reveals Aragorn's ancestry to him. The first meeting of Aragorn and Arwen, in the woods of Rivendell.
Khamûl and two other Nazgûl are sent to reclaim Dol Guldur.
Rebuilding of Barad-dûr begins.
29531353Saruman claims Isengard as his own and begins to fortify it.
Death of King Fengel of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Thengel.
Death of Steward Turgon. He is succeeded by his son, Ecthelion II.
The last meeting of the White Council.
29541354Mount Doom erupts, causing the last remaining people of Ithilien to flee across the Anduin.
Birth of Hilda Bracegirdle.
29551355Likely date of the birth of Imrahil of Dol Amroth.
29561356Death of Belba Baggins.
Gandalf and Aragorn meet for the first time.
29571357Aragorn enters the service of Thengel of Rohan, under the alias of Thorongil.
29601360Death of Mirabella, wife of Master Gorbadoc Brandybuck of Buckland.
Death of Isengar Took.
Birth of Nora Bolger, daughter of Wilibald Bolger and Prisca Baggins.
Death of Frodo Baggins' grandfather Fosco Baggins.
Death of Bingo Baggins.
29611361Birth of Anson, son of Andwise Roper of Tighfield.
29621362Hamfast Gamgee takes over as gardener at Bag End.
29631363Death of Linda Baggins.
Birth of Théodwyn, youngest daughter of King Thengel of Rohan.
Death of Gorbadoc Brandybuck. He is succeeded as Master of Buckland by his son, Rorimac.
29641364Birth of Lotho Sackville-Baggins, later self-appointed Chief Shirriff of the Shire.
29651365Birth of Hamson, the eldest brother of Samwise Gamgee.
2968136822 September Birth of Frodo Baggins in the Shire.
29691369Birth of Reginard, eldest son of Adelard Took.
Birth of Halfred, elder brother of Samwise Gamgee.
29721372Birth of Halfast Gamgee.
Birth of Daisy, elder sister of Samwise Gamgee.
29751375Birth of Pearl, eldest daughter of Paladin Took and Eglantine Banks.
29761376Birth of May, elder sister of Samwise Gamgee.
Denethor, future Steward of Gondor, weds Finduilas, daughter of Adrahil of Dol Amroth.
29771377Death of Bard the Bowman. He is succeeded as King of Dale by his son Bain.
Likely date of the death of Angelimir. He is succeeded as Prince of Dol Amroth by his son Adrahil.
29781378Birth of Théodred, son of Théoden of Rohan. His mother Elfhild dies in childbirth.
Birth of Boromir, heir to Denethor II of Gondor.
Birth of Folco Boffin in the Shire.
29791379Birth of Pimpernel, second daughter of Thain Paladin Took II, and elder sister of Peregrin Took.
29801380Birth of Tolman Cotton, eldest son and namesake of Farmer Tolman Cotton.
Birth of Fredegar 'Fatty' Bolger, son of Odovacar Bolger and Rosamunda Took.
'Thorongil' (Aragorn) leaves the service of Gondor and travels into the east. He later comes to Lórien, where he meets Arwen again, and the two become betrothed.
Death of King Thengel of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Théoden.
Death of Thain Fortinbras II of the Shire. He is succeeded by his son Ferumbras III.
Loss of Drogo Baggins and his wife Primula in a boating accident.
Birth of Berilac, son of Merimac Brandybuck.
Birth of Everard, son of Adelard Took.
6 April Likely date of Samwise Gamgee's birth.
c.29801380Gollum first encounters Shelob in Ephel Dúath on Mordor's western border.
29811381Birth of Angelica, daughter of Ponto Baggins.
Birth of Merimas, eldest child of Marmadas Brandybuck.
29821382Death of Adalgrim Took.
Birth of Meriadoc Brandybuck, later Master of Buckland.
29831383Birth of Mentha, daughter of Marmadas Brandybuck.
Birth of Faramir, second son of Denethor II.
Birth of Ferdibrand, son of Ferdinand Took.
Birth of Marigold, youngest daughter of Hamfast Gamgee and Bell Goodchild.
29841384Death of Hobson, also known as Roper Gamgee, the first Hobbit to bear the name 'Gamgee'.
Death of Steward Ecthelion II. He is succeeded by his son, who rules as Denethor II.
Birth of Rose Cotton, who later married Samwise Gamgee, and of her brother Wilcome 'Jolly' Cotton.
29851385Birth of Melilot Brandybuck, Estella Bolger and Pervinca Took in the Shire.
29861386Death of Jago Boffin, grandfather of Folco Boffin.
Birth of Bowman Cotton, son of Tolman Cotton and Lily Brown.
29871387Birth of Mosco, eldest child of Milo Burrows and Peony Baggins.
29881388Birth of Tosto Boffin in the Shire.
Death of Finduilas, spouse of Denethor II and mother to Boromir and Faramir, at the age of just 38.
29891389Birth of Doderic Brandybuck.
Balin begins his ill-fated attempt to recolonise Moria.
Adoption of Frodo Baggins as Bilbo's heir. Frodo removes from Buckland to Bag End.
Birth of Carl, called 'Nibs', youngest child of Tolman Cotton and Lily Brown.
Death of Flambard Took.
29901390Birth of Peregrin Took.
Death of Herugar Bolger.
Birth of Iorlas, uncle of Bergil, in Gondor.
Birth of Sancho, son of Olo Proudfoot.
29911391Birth of Moto, son of Milo Burrows and Peony Baggins.
Birth of Éomer, later King of Rohan.
Death of Sigismond Took.
Birth of Ilberic Brandybuck.
29931393Birth of Myrtle, daughter of Milo Burrows and Peony Baggins.
29941394Balin's attempt to recolonise Moria ends in disaster. Balin himself, and the Dwarves of his company, are all slain.
Birth of Celandine, youngest child of Seredic Brandybuck and Hilda Bracegirdle.
29951395Birth of Éowyn in Rohan.
Birth of Diamond of Long Cleeve.
29961396Birth of Minto, youngest child of Milo Burrows and Peony Baggins.
29971397Death of Adalbert Bolger.
29981398Death of Amaranth Brandybuck.
29991399Death of Gruffo Boffin.
Likely birthdate of Lothíriel, later queen to King Éomer Éadig.
Death of Falco Chubb-Baggins.
30001400Death of Wilibald Bolger.
c.30001400Saruman uses the Orthanc-stone for the first time. He comes under the power of Sauron, and abandons his allegiance to the White Council.
30011401Beginning to suspect that Bilbo's Magic Ring may be Sauron's One Ring, Gandalf and Aragorn begin to search for Gollum.
22 September Bilbo Baggins' Birthday Party and farewell feast.
30021402Éomund, father of Éomer and Éowyn, is slain by Orcs.
After wandering in Middle-earth, Bilbo comes to Rivendell and settles there as Elrond's guest.
Death of Lalia, widow of Thain Fortinbras Took II, in an apparent accident.
c.30021402Théodwyn, mother of Éomer and Éowyn, dies of a sickness.
30031403Bilbo Baggins begins work on his Translations from the Elvish.
30041404Death of Gerda Boffin.
30051405Death of Odo Proudfoot.
30061406Death of Dora Baggins.
30071407Death of Saradas Brandybuck.
Death of King Bain of Dale. He is succeeded by his son Brand.
Death of Gilraen the mother of Aragorn.
30081408Death of Rorimac Brandybuck. He is succeeded as Master of Buckland by his son, Saradoc.
30091409Death of Frodo Baggins' uncle Dudo Baggins.
Birth of Bergil son of Beregond.
30101410Likely date of the death of Dinodas Brandybuck.
Likely date of the death of Adrahil. He is succeeded as Prince of Dol Amroth by his son Imrahil.
Death of Bruno Bracegirdle.
30121412Following the death of his father Otho, Lotho Sackville-Baggins inherits Leaf plantations in the Southfarthing of the Shire.
Death of Asphodel Brandybuck.
Elfhelm is appointed a Marshal of the Mark in command of the garrison at Edoras.
30131413Midyear's Day A Free Fair is held on the White Downs, at which Will Whitfoot is elected (or re-elected) to the post of Mayor.
30141414Théoden begins to fall ill, and his counsellor Gríma begins to gain power over the King.
30151415Death of Thain Ferumbras III of the Shire, the last of his line. He is succeeded by Paladin Took II.
30171417Gandalf travels to Minas Tirith, and there discovers the Scroll of Isildur.
Gollum is released after several years captive in Mordor.
1 February Gollum is located and captured by Aragorn on the borders of Mordor.
21 March Aragorn completes his northward journey to the Woodland Realm with the captured Gollum.
3018141812 April Gandalf returns to the Shire to warn Frodo about the Ring.
13 April In Bag End, Gandalf tells Frodo the history of the Ring.
1 May Gandalf and Aragorn meet at Sarn Ford on the southern borders of the Shire.
20 June Sauron's forces simultaneously attack eastern Gondor and the Wood-elves of Thranduil. The War of the Ring begins.
Midyear's Day Gandalf encounters Radagast near Bree, and is given Saruman's message.
4 July Boromir sets out from Minas Tirith on his journey to find Imladris.
10 July Saruman traps Gandalf and imprisons him on the pinnacle of Orthanc.
18 September On their journey north to the Shire, the Black Riders cross the Fords of Isen.
18 September Gwaihir rescues Gandalf from Orthanc.
19 September Gandalf seeks aid from Théoden, but is turned away from Edoras.
20 September Gandalf returns to Edoras, and is again dismissed by Théoden, though he is granted a horse.
21 September Gandalf comes upon Shadowfax for the first time, and follows the great horse across the fields of Rohan.
22 September In Rohan, Gandalf overtakes Shadowfax. Meanwhile, far to the north, Black Riders reach the borders of the Shire.
23 September Gandalf sets out from Rohan.
23 September The Black Riders enter the Shire.
23 September Frodo, Sam and Pippin set out from Bag End.
24 September Riding north to the Shire, Gandalf crosses the River Isen.
26 September Frodo encounters Tom Bombadil and Goldberry.
27 September Gandalf, riding wildly northward from Rohan, crosses the River Greyflood.
28 September Riding on Frodo's trail, Gandalf crosses the Brandywine into the Shire's Southfarthing.
28 September Frodo and his companions are captured by a Barrow-wight, and rescued by Tom Bombadil.
29 September Gandalf speaks with Hamfast Gamgee in Hobbiton, and discovers that Frodo has already left the Shire.
29 September Frodo and his companions arrive at the Prancing Pony in Bree, and meet Strider.
30 September Gandalf arrives at Crickhollow in Buckland. Finding Frodo gone, he sets out for Bree, which he reaches at night.
30 September Black Riders raid Buckland and Bree in the early morning.
30 September The Hobbits awake in Bree to find their ponies stolen. Bill Ferny sells them his pony, later called Bill himself. Aragorn leads them out of Bree and into the Wild.
1 October Gandalf sets out from Bree and travels toward Rivendell.
3 October Gandalf reaches Weathertop, and is attacked there by Nazgûl.
6 October The Nazgûl attack the Hobbits in a dell beneath Weathertop. Frodo is wounded by a Morgul-knife.
9 October Learning that the Nazgûl have come to the Northlands, Elrond sends out riders including Glorfindel.
11 October Glorfindel discovers three Nazgûl holding the Bridge of Mitheithel. He drives them off into the west.
13 October Strider and the Hobbits cross the Bridge of Mitheithel on their journey to Rivendell.
18 October Gandalf reaches Rivendell.
18 October Aragorn and the Hobbits encounter Glorfindel at dusk.
20 October The Black Riders are swept away at the Ford of Bruinen. Frodo reaches Rivendell safely.
24 October Frodo recovers and wakes in Rivendell, at ten o'clock in the morning.
25 October The Council of Elrond is held.
25 December The setting-out of the Fellowship from Rivendell.
301914198 January The Company of the Ring enter the land of Hollin.
11 January The Fellowship attempt the Redhorn Pass, but are troubled by snowfall.
12 January The Fellowship abandons their attempt to cross the Misty Mountains through the Redhorn Pass.
13 January The Fellowship of the Ring reach the West-gate of Moria and pass inside. Gollum, who was within the western doors, begins to follow them.
14 January The Company of the Ring camp in the corner of a great empty hall of Moria.
15 January The remaining members of the Fellowship flee Moria and reach the borders of Lórien.
15 January Gandalf and the Balrog fall from the Bridge of Khazad-dûm.
17 January The Fellowship arrives at Caras Galadhon, and meets with Galadriel and Celeborn.
23 January Gandalf and the Balrog reach the peak of Zirakzigil.
25 January Gandalf casts Durin's Bane from Zirakzigil.
15 February Gandalf returns to life on the peak of Zirakzigil.
15 February In Lórien, Frodo and Sam experience visions in the Mirror of Galadriel.
16 February The Company of the Ring depart from Lórien. Gollum begins to follow them once again.
17 February Gandalf is carried from Zirakzigil to Lórien by the Eagle Gwaihir.
23 February The Fellowship is attacked on the Great River above Sarn Gebir. Legolas downs a Nazgûl with his bow.
24 February Théodred rides against an invading army coming southward from Isengard, but is forced to retreat to the Fords of Isen.
25 February The Company of the Ring pass through the Gates of Argonath, and camp at Parth Galen.
25 February Death of Théodred at the First Battle of the Fords of Isen.
26 February Boromir is slain by Orcs; the Fellowship of the Ring is broken.
27 February The Three Hunters reach the East Wall of Rohan in their pursuit of the captors of Merry and Pippin.
28 February Éomer and his éored catch up to Saruman's Orcs at the edge of Fangorn Forest.
29 February Faramir sees his slain brother Boromir in a boat on the Anduin.
29 February Frodo and Sam encounter Gollum at the feet of the Emyn Muil, and capture him.
29 February Uglúk's Orc-band is destroyed by the Rohirrim. Merry and Pippin escape into Fangorn Forest.
30 February Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli encounter Éomer and his éored in Rohan.
30 February In Fangorn Forest, the Entmoot begins.
1 March Faramir sets out for Ithilien from Minas Tirith.
1 March Gollum begins to lead Frodo and Sam across the Dead Marshes.
1 March Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli encounter Gandalf the White in Fangorn Forest, and together they set out for Edoras.
2 March The Entmoot ends with the Ents resolved to confront Saruman. They set out for Isengard, reaching it at nightfall.
2 March Frodo, Sam and Gollum complete the passage of the Dead Marshes.
2 March Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli arrive at Edoras, and Gandalf cures Théoden of Saruman's influence.
2 March The Rohirrim are defeated at the Second Battle of the Fords of Isen.
3 March The Battle of the Hornburg begins.
3 March Destruction of Isengard by the Ents.
4 March Frodo, Sam and Gollum reach the edge of the Desolation of the Morannon.
4 March The Battle of the Hornburg is won, and the siege of Helm's Deep relieved. Théoden, Gandalf and their companions set out for Isengard.
5 March Frodo, Sam and Gollum reach the Morannon.
5 March Gandalf and his companions reach Isengard, and are reunited with Merry and Pippin. Gandalf expels Saruman from the Order of Wizards.
6 March Halbarad and the Sons of Elrond meet Aragorn and join with him.
7 March Aragorn and his companions arrive at Dunharrow.
7 March Frodo encounters Faramir in North Ithilien, and is taken to Henneth Annûn.
8 March Riding eastward towards Minas Tirith, Gandalf and Pippin see the Beacons of Gondor lit.
8 March Frodo, Sam and Gollum set out from Henneth Annûn.
8 March Aragorn and his company pass through the Paths of the Dead, and gather at Erech in the Morthond Vale.
9 March Aragorn and his company, followed by the Dead, reach Calembel on the river Ciril.
9 March Shadowfax brings Gandalf and Pippin to Minas Tirith.
9 March During the night, the Storm of Mordor spreads darkness across the lands to the west.
10 March Faramir returns to Minas Tirith, and is rescued from the Winged Nazgûl by Gandalf.
10 March Frodo and his companions watch the armies of Minas Morgul set out.
10 March Aragorn leads the host of the Dead across the river Ringló.
10 March The army of Rohan sets out from Dunharrow.
10 March The Dawnless Day.
10 March An army out of the Morannon captures Cair Andros and invades Anórien.
11 March Gollum visits Shelob in secret while Frodo and Sam sleep.
11 March Sauron launches an attack against Rohan from the north, and another against Lórien from Dol Guldur.
11 March Aragorn and his company reach Linhir, and cross the river Serni into Lebennin.
12 March The Ents defend Rohan against the invaders from the north.
12 March Gollum leads Frodo and Sam into Shelob's Lair.
13 March Poisoned by Shelob, Frodo is captured by Orcs and imprisoned in the Tower of Cirith Ungol.
13 March Aragorn captures the fleet of the Corsairs at Pelargir, and releases the army of the Dead who aided him.
14 March The Orcs in the Tower of Cirith Ungol fight over Frodo's mithril-coat, and ultimately slay each other. Sam discovers Frodo in the Tower.
15 March The forces of Sauron attack both Lórien and the Woodland Realm, and are repulsed.
15 March Frodo and Sam escape from the Tower of Cirith Ungol and journey out of Ephel Dúath.
15 March Death of King Théoden in the Battle of the Pelennor. He is succeeded by his nephew Éomer.
15 March The pyre of Denethor.
15 March The Battle of the Pelennor Fields and destruction of the Lord of the Nazgûl.
16 March In Minas Tirith, having won the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, the Captains of the West debate their best course.
17 March Shagrat reaches Barad-dûr with the tokens taken from Frodo in the Tower of Cirith Ungol.
17 March The Battle of Dale begins.
18 March Frodo and Sam, taken for Orcs, are forced to march along the road towards the Isenmouthe.
18 March Aragorn leads the armies of the west from Minas Tirith on the road to Mordor.
19 March Frodo and Sam escape from the Orcs, and start out on the journey across Gorgoroth to Mount Doom.
20 March The end of the Battle of Dale. Erebor is besieged.
22 March Forces from Dol Guldur attack Lórien for the third time.
24 March Frodo and Sam reach the base of Mount Doom.
24 March Aragorn and his followers reach the Desolation of the Morannon, and set up camp.
25 March The Captains of the West are assaulted by Sauron's forces before the Black Gate of Mordor.
25 March Destruction of the One Ring and final downfall of Sauron and his Nazgûl.
27 March The siege of Erebor is broken, and the invading forces are driven out of Dale by Bard II and Thorin III.
28 March Celeborn brings his forces across Anduin into southern Mirkwood, where they begin the destruction of Dol Guldur.
6 April Celeborn and Thranduil meet and rename Mirkwood as Eryn Lasgalen.
8 April Aragorn leads his people in praise of Frodo and Sam at the Field of Cormallen in Ithilien.
1 May Coronation of Aragorn II Elessar.
8 May Éomer and Éowyn set out from Minas Tirith for Rohan.
20 May On their journey south to Minas Tirith, Elrond and Arwen arrive in the land of Lórien.
27 May Elrond and the escort of Arwen set out from Lórien and begin their journey south to Minas Tirith.
14 June The Sons of Elrond meet their father and their sister Arwen, and bring them with their escort to Edoras.
16 June Arwen and her escort set out from Edoras on the road to Minas Tirith.
25 June Aragorn discovers a sapling of the White Tree in a hallow on Mindolluin.
1 Lithe Arwen and her escort arrive in Minas Tirith.
Midyear's Day The marriage of Aragorn and Arwen takes place in Minas Tirith.
18 July Éomer returns to Minas Tirith to escort Théoden's remains to Edoras.
19 July The funeral escort of Théoden sets out from Minas Tirith.
7 August The funeral escort of Théoden arrives at Edoras.
10 August The funeral of Théoden.
15 August Treebeard allows Saruman and Gríma to leave the Tower of Orthanc.
18 August Aragorn and his company arrive at Helm's Deep, accompanying the Travellers northward.
22 August Returning into the north, the Travellers reach Isengard, where they bid farewell to Aragorn.
28 August On their journey north, the Travellers encounter Saruman. Saruman starts towards the Shire.
21 September Gandalf and the Hobbits, travelling homeward from Minas Tirith, reach Rivendell.
22 September Saruman enters the Shire.
5 October Gandalf, along with Frodo and the other Hobbits, sets out from Rivendell on the road back to the Shire.
6 October Leaving Rivendell on the journey home, Frodo and his companions cross the Ford of Bruinen. Frodo feels pain from his old wound, received exactly a year earlier.
28 October Returning to the Shire, Frodo and his companions reach Bree.
30 October Gandalf and the Hobbits leave Bree. Gandalf turns aside to visit Tom Bombadil, and Frodo and his companions reach the Brandywine Bridge as night falls.
1 November Frodo and his companions travel from the Brandywine Bridge to Frogmorton, where they are arrested as evening falls.
2 November The returning Travellers rouse the Hobbits against Sharkey's Men, and Merry blows the Horn of the Mark. Thereafter the Horn was blown on the anniversary of this event every year in Buckland, and the day was celebrated with feasts and bonfires.
3 November The Battle of Bywater is fought in the Shire.
3 November Saruman dies at the hands of his servant Gríma. The end of the War of the Ring.
30201420Spring Lobelia Sackville-Baggins dies at Hardbottle in the Northfarthing.
6 April The first flowering of the Golden Tree in the Party Field below Bag End.
1 May Wedding of Samwise Gamgee and Rose Cotton in the Shire.
Midyear's Day Frodo Baggins gives up the post of Mayor of the Shire, and Will Whitfoot is restored.
3021142124 March The last day of the Third Age, according to the reckoning of Gondor.
25 March The beginning of the Fourth Age, according to the calendars of Gondor.
25 March Sam's daughter Elanor is born.
21 September Frodo and Sam set out from Hobbiton for the Grey Havens.
22 September Frodo and Sam meet the Last Riding of the Keepers.
29 September Departure of the Ring-bearers.
6 October Sam returns to Bag End on his faithful pony, Bill.

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