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  • Updated 9 July 2024
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Túrin’s taunting name for Brandir


Brandir son of Handir had broken his leg as a child, an accident that left him permanently lame and needing a crutch in order to walk, and thus he was commonly titled Brandir the Lame. He succeeded his father as the Lord of Brethil, and took in both Túrin and later an unknown maiden who became known as Níniel (who afterwards became Túrin's wife).

It was Brandir who heard Glaurung's last words to Níniel, in which the Dragon revealed that she was in fact Túrin's sister Niënor, and this news caused Niënor Níniel to leap to her death in despair. When Brandir encountered Túrin and reported the news of the Dragon's words and his wife's identity, Túrin flew into a violent rage, falsely accusing Brandir of slander and malice, and taunting his lameness with the name 'Club-foot'. In his fury Túrin then took his black sword Gurthang and with it slew Brandir.



The dates of Brandir's birth and death, and of his rule over the Men of Brethil, come from a genealogical chart in volume XI of The History of Middle-earth. They are not therefore strictly canonical, but they do correspond well to the established timeline. In particular, the year of Brandir's death (I 499) correctly matches the known date of the slaying of the Dragon Glaurung. It may be noted that Túrin used the mocking name 'Club-foot' immediately after slaying Glaurung and before slaying Brandir, so I 499 is in fact specific date on which this disparaging title was used.


About this entry:

  • Updated 9 July 2024
  • This entry is complete

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