Stewards of Gondor
Húrin of Emyn Arnen Pelendur Vorondil Mardil Eradan Herion Belegorn Húrin I Túrin I Hador Barahir Dior Denethor I Boromir Cirion Hallas Húrin II Belecthor I Orodreth Ecthelion I Egalmoth Beren Beregond Belecthor II Thorondir Túrin II Turgon Ecthelion II Denethor II Faramir Barahir
The nineteenth Ruling Steward of Gondor , the son of Egalmoth , named for Beren Erchamion . Beren was the Steward who granted Saruman the Key of Orthanc .
The date of Beren's birth appears only in The History of Middle-earth volume XII, The Peoples of Middle-earth . It cannot therefore be considered completely reliable.
See also...
Beregond , Circle of Isengard , Egalmoth , Fréaláf Hildeson , Hildeson , Isengard , Key of Orthanc , Lord of Isengard , Lord of the White Tower , Misty Mountains , Palantíri , Riders of West-mark , Robbers of the North , Ruling Steward , Saruman , [See the full list...] Steward of Gondor , Tower of Orthanc , Valley of Saruman , Wizards Vale
About this entry:
Updated 11 June 2008
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